Secondary in House Exams

In House Exams - Creating In House Exams.mp4

Creating In-House Exams

The following recording will show you how to create new In-House Exams from scratch or from a Historic Exam

In House Exams - Adding Instances.mp4

Creating and Managing Instances

The following recording will show you how to create and manage instances that will determine your exams times. 

Exams - Allocating Exam Rooms.mp4

Allocating Exams Recordings

The following recording will show you how to allocate Candidates to Exam Rooms

Exams - Assigning Seats.mp4

Assigning Seats

The following recording will show you how to asssign Candidates to their Exams Seats

Exams - Timetables.mp4

Exams Timetables

The following recording will show you how to manage Invigilators' Timetables and where to find School and Candidate Timetables.

Exams - Adding Results .mp4

Adding In-House Exam Results

The following recording will show you how to add In-House Exam Results and how to create new Gradesets and use existing ones. 

Exams - Result reports and statement of results.mp4

Statements of Results and Reports

The following recording will show you where to find In-House Results reports and how to print Statements of Results for your Candidates.