lakeview middle school warrior band

General Information for all grades

about the director

Jonathan Elliott is entering his first year as Director of Bands for Lakeview Middle School, and as the Assistant Director of Bands of Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe High School. 

With a passion for music education that spans fifteen years, he has had the privilege of teaching at various levels. While at Chattanooga Valley Middle School, Mr. Elliott was recognized as Teacher of the Year twice, in 2016 and 2022. Additionally, in 2023, he was named The Walker County Teacher of the Year.

Beyond his role as an educator, Mr. Elliott has an active performance schedule. As a saxophone recording artist, he has contributed to over twenty albums of various genres. He has also toured the country as a live performance artist. He has been featured as a soloist with both collegiate ensembles and professional ensembles.

Mr. Elliott resides in Ringgold with his wife Becky, and children Aria and Reid.

beginning band information - faq

My child has never played music before. Can he or she take band?

Absolutely! In fact, almost all of my 6th-grade students are absolute beginners when they come to me. Encourage your student to take this opportunity to learn something new and wonderful!

Does my child need to have an instrument on the first day of school?

No, in fact, your child should not even consider getting an instrument until they have attended the first few days of band class. I spend those days helping your student select the perfect instrument for them. I will guide you through this process.

Why is there a band fee?

All students must pay an annual band fee to the LMS Band. (Do NOT pay the connections fee LMS asks for at the beginning of the year if you are in band. If you have already paid this, call Mrs. Barrett and ask her to transfer it towards your band fee!) The band fully funds itself. That means that everything you see in the band room is purchased by the band. Fees may be paid to Mrs. Miller or to Mrs. Barrett in office A. Cash or checks made out to LMS band are accepted.

Brass and woodwind student fees: $50 once per year. 

Percussion fee: $75 once per year. 

These fees go towards the general band fund and will be used to purchase and upkeep larger instruments, audio equipment for the classroom, copy paper, music (It costs between $60-100 to purchase EACH piece of music we perform. Each grade performs 3-5 pieces per concert.), and cover the group registration fees for the band to perform at our Large Group Performance Evaluation for GMEA in the Spring. The majority of items purchased with general band funds are percussion items.

How much does band cost?

Please note: We use a rent-to-own company, Gadsden Music. 100% of what you put into your rental goes towards you owning the instrument! You may also swap your instrument at some point. I encourage beginning students to rent a used instrument (cheaper option) to start, and then when you know your student loves it and you feel they are ready to keep a new instrument in perfect condition, switch to a new instrument. This makes it cheaper upfront, and then all of the money you put towards the used ones transfers towards the new horn.

With the exception of saxophone and percussion, the monthly cost to rent-to-own an instrument from our rental outfit, Gadsden Music, should be around $32 per month, depending on the instrument brand. Saxophone costs $65 per month. Oboe, Bassoon, French Horn, Euphonium, and Tuba are school-owned instruments (These fees covered in the next section.) 

Total costs for renting an instrument

Are there any school-owned instruments that my child can use?

Our band program must purchase instruments that are extremely expensive. (e.g. a single tuba, the most important instrument in any school band, costs several thousand dollars) The school-owned instruments available are oboes, bassoons, french horns, euphoniums, and tubas. Students who use school-owned instruments are still required to buy their own instrumental supplies, and are required to pay a school rental fee of $40 per semester ($10 per month) to cover the cleaning of the instrument after their use. In addition, students must purchase their own mouthpiece, ranging from $50-$100. They are also responsible for ALL maintenance of instruments they check out. In other words, if the instrument is damaged while checked out to you, YOU are responsible for having it repaired by Gadsden Music or another reputable musical instrument repair shop that I must approve.

Total costs of using a school-owned instrument

What about percussion?

If selected for percussion, students will purchase a stick-pack from Gadsden Music that includes a stick bag, drum pad, snare drum sticks, and hard and soft xylophone and marimba mallets. I try to make this pack around $100. They will gradually add to this pack throughout middle school. In addition, percussion students must pay a yearly Percussion Fee to LMS of $75. The band fundraises and spends fees on expensive percussion equipment. Percussion students do not pay a monthly rental, so it is only fair that we ask them to give more on their fee towards the purchase and upkeep of classroom percussion instruments. 

Total costs to play percussion

How soon does my child need to bring their instrument to school after being tested in class?

Instruments should be rented by Friday, August 19th, 2022. Gadsden Music will deliver the instruments to the band room to ensure that they remain safe. We will begin learning to put them together the following week. If your student owns their instrument and you will not be renting through Gadsden Music, they will need to bring them to school as soon as possible so I may inspect the playing condition.

What about purchasing an instrument on the internet (E-bay)?

Often, very high-quality instruments can be found on E-bay, but these instruments do not usually come with a warranty. If you choose to purchase an instrument in this fashion, I encourage you to have it checked out immediately with a qualified repair technician to make sure it is in playing order.  If the person really wants to sell it, they will allow someone to inspect it prior to purchase. Make sure you investigate the E-bay seller. You want someone with great ratings that has had an account for a while. If it's a brand new account, run, don't walk, in the other direction as it is likely a scam. E-bay is a safer bet than Amazon. There is nothing that holds an Amazon seller accountable. Of course, music stores such as Gadsden Music, Giant Steps Music, Co, Woodwind Brasswind, etc, are always the safest place to purchase a quality instrument. If you are adamant that you purchase instead of rent, please keep me in the loop before you purchase and let me help you with the process. We need to make sure it is a quality instrument, and not an imposter. 

Does my child really need a music stand?

Yes!  You may purchase this anywhere you can find one for the price point you like. This is a time where it is acceptable to use Amazon. Here is a good example of an affordable foldable music stand. The $10 options will work just fine. Practicing with a stand promotes correct posture and hand position and breathing. They will not need to bring their stand to school.

Should my child start playing the instrument if we take it home from the store?

Absolutely not.  Please have your student wait to assemble and play their instrument until they have learned how to do this PROPERLY during class at school. Bad habits that are built by trying to play without proper instruction can DAMAGE that EXPENSIVE instrument and create habits that are very hard to unlearn. Please wait until band class so that a foundation of good habits can be learned.

For this reason, instruments rented through our rental company, Gadsden Music, will be brought to the school.

Will we have to fundraise?

I will ask you to do very few fundraisers. Currently, we do 2 per year. When we do one, it is essential that all students participate. This helps keep our fee manageable. This year, we will be doing a spirit wear sale in September/October and a SnapRaise fundraiser in October/November, and I hope for theses to be the only fundraiser we do all year long.


I apologize if that is information overload. I hesitate to offer so many details upfront because I fear it will scare you away, but I also recognize that I would fully want to know what I was getting myself into! Please do not be fearful. You, and your student, will love band!

If you have any  other questions, please contact Mrs. Miller

Phone: 706-866-1040 - ask to be transferred to the band room


Please watch the video below!

Habits of a Successful Band Musician method books

If your student loses their book, please replace it as soon as possible. Click the link below, scroll down and find the book for your student's instrument*, add it to the cart, and pay. 

*Be sure it is the correct book 

6th Grade Book (Also available on Amazon)

7th and 8th Grade Books (Also available on Amazon)

Jazz Band Book:

Instrument specific materials list

6All Students



Reed Instruments: Clarinet/Saxophone/Oboe/Bassoon - Beginning double-reed students should play medium-soft reeds. Beginning clarinet and saxophone students should play a 2.5 strength reed. Students should upgrade to a 3 when Mrs. Miller tells them they are ready.)

Students must have a reed rotation. This means they must have three reeds in perfect condition with no chips on them. I recommend purchasing a box of reeds for them to keep at home. That way when they chip a reed, you know about it, and you can help teach them about trying to make their reeds last longer. The best rotation would be 5 reeds, each labeled for one day of the week (M-F). On Monday, students play on the Monday reed. On Tuesday, they play the Tuesday reed. This helps reeds last longer and sound better. 


Trumpet - All trumpet students should begin on a 5C Bach mouthpiece (provided with rental) and upgrade to a 3C by 8th grade (not provided.)

Horn - All horn players should begin on a MDC Farkas or Schilke 31 mouthpiece (must be purchased if renting school-owned Horn)

Trombone - All trombone players should begin on a Bach 6 1/2 AL mouthpiece (provided with rental) and upgrade to a schilke 51 or Bach 5G by 8th grade (not provided.)

Euphonium - All Euphonium players should begin on a Bach 6 1/2 AL mouthpiece (must be purchased if renting school-owned Euphonium) and upgrade to a schilke 51 by 8th grade (not provided.)

Tuba - All tuba players should begin on a Bach mouthpiece (must be purchased if renting school-owned Tuba) and upgrade to a Helleberg 120 by high school if needed.


6th Graders: Get these beginner sticks

7th & 8th Graders: Upgrade to one of the following: Option 1 - Option 2 - or Option 3 - your choice

6th Graders: Elementary

7th & 8th Graders: Intermediate

Your student should practice out of the Elementary book until they are ready to move to the Intermediate. Students will most likely play out of the Elementary book in 6th and 7th grade, and move to the Intermediate in 8th grade and beyond. 

*Your student only needs these if they are wanting to learn Quads. 1 person per year is officially assigned to Quads, but other students are permitted to practice on them.

optional music books

I need to rent an instrument

If you are currently a 5th-grade student: please do not rent an instrument until we complete instrument tryouts in the Fall!

Online rental (You may also call Gadsden Music at 800-264-7228 and rent over the phone)

*Instruments will be delivered to the band room the following week. I will show students how to safely operate cases and assemble the instrument, at which point they will be permitted (and encouraged!) to bring them home. 

Practice tools

Use these Free resources on your computer 

Download these FREE APPS

Purchase these Apps (parental permission needed)

Music Stores

Gadsden Music Company: This is the company that LMS does rentals with. I trust them. They rent and sell high quality instruments and their repair shop is excellent. If you choose to go somewhere else, you may risk quality or craftsmanship. We also have a music rep from Gadsden that visits our band room once per week. He will bring instruments needing repairs to and from Gadsden. You may call the store over the phone and pay for small goods, and the rep will drop them off to our room. This is your best bet!

Hickeys Music Center: Instrument specific accessories, books, reeds, and more

Steve Weiss Music: All things percussion! You will mainly go here for sticks, drum pads, or other accessories.

why should i practice?

"WHY DO I NEED TO PRACTICE?" defines the word "practice" as: to perform or do something repeatedly in order to acquire skill or proficiency. So, in other words, you should practice your instrument in order to sound and play BETTER.

If you've ever played sports, you know that you have to practice to improve your game. You have to practice as an individual in order for the team to improve. You also have to practice as a team in order to function well together. Band works the same way!! Unless every individual has taken the time to practice and improve on their music, the band won't sound good. Music is a PHYSICAL skill, just like dribbling, passing, kicking, tackling, or shooting free throws. Unless you teach your body how to play music by PRACTICING the skills involved, YOU WILL NEVER IMPROVE, and YOUR band won't sound good. Period.

Practice does not mean sitting in the room with your instrument. You must actually have the instrument in your hands, and be making musical sounds come out of it!!

How To Practice

1. Set aside a specific time for music practice and use it consistently.

2. Practice in a quiet room without the TV on, or your Cell Phone near by.

3. Practice with correct hand position, posture, breath support and embouchure. This will be easier with a good chair and a music stand.

4. Practice the assigned stuff from class first.

5. Practice the hard stuff first. Go slow until it's right, then gradually speed up. Break it down into manageable chunks (one measure at a time, or even one beat at a time, if necessary), then put it back together. Going from the beginning to the end of a piece of music with mistakes is NOT practicing.

6. Practice AT LEAST five days a week for a minimum of thirty consecutive, uninterrupted minutes.

7. Wind players should warm up by playing several long, slow notes. (As many beats as you can hold the note with a good sound.)

8. If you get frustrated, take a break, but then go back and try again.

9. Be Prepared to play any of your assigned music in class at ANY TIME!!

How can i help my student?

What can I do as a parent to help my student?


Band Syllabus


Instructor: Mr. Jonathan Elliott

Course Description

Band is a setting where each and every student will grow by creating, performing, and producing music. Band will not interfere with your academic or athletic achievement and will provide a positive experience. Because band represents a large, visible, highly disciplined segment of our community, attendance, good behavior, and preparation are vital. Students will learn about music that comes from many different genres, regions, and ethnic backgrounds. Group musicianship can only be obtained through each member having strong individual musicianship. Band will encourage students to take on personal responsibility for behavior and musicianship, eventually leading to a well-rounded individual that is skilled in the art of music.

Grading Policy

20% Participation and Materials (Participation & Daily Material Checks)

30% Playing Assessments or Special Projects

40% Performances 

10% Final Exam



Students will use the Making Music Matter method book for band class. Every student is in charge of having their instrument, band binder, and a pencil every day. Students MUST have their instrument and participate daily. Forgotten materials will result in a zero for the day. (These add up fast!)


Students will be evaluated according to sufficient preparation and performance in class. Should written work be assigned, students will be graded according to a rubric.


1. We would greatly appreciate any donations of hand sanitizer and tissues!

2. If you work for a business, we would love to have you sponsor our class ‘treasure chest’ that gets stuffed with musical goodies (reeds, mouthpiece patches, etc.) to help reward our students and keep them motivated! Please reach out to me and let me know if you can help us out with this! 

Thank you!

Music Standards

National Music Standards by  the National Association for Music Education (NAfME)

Georgia Music Standards  by the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE)

2023-2024 Event Dates (concerts, field trips, etc)

Lakeview Middle School Band Schedule 2023-2024

Bold indicates full band responsibilities, everything else is optional.

This is a live schedule and updates will be added throughout the school year.


October 4         District Honor ($10) and All-State ($25) audition payments due

TBD LMS Fall Pep Band Performance

November 18–19    District Honor Jazz Band: Heritage High School (student invite only)

December 7           District and All-State Band 1st round auditions: (Bus Provided)

Cass Middle School:

195 Firetower Rd

Cartersville, GA 30120

December 12 LMS Band Holiday Concert: LFO Fine Arts Center (high school) 6:30


January 11              All State Band Auditions - Final Round - Qualifiers only

Union Grove Middle School

210 East Lake Rd

McDonough, GA 30252


January 18          All-State Band Audition Makeup (Inclement Weather)

January 23rd Tri-M Honor Society Induction:  LFO Fine Arts Center


February 8-10  District Honor Band: LFO Fine Arts Center


Feb. 27 -  March 1      All State Band Clinic - The Classic Center: Athens, Georgia


March 12 or 13 Large Group Performance Evaluations:

Woodland High School - Cartersville

800 Old Alabama Rd SE

Cartersville, GA 30120

April 24th: LMS and LFO Jazz Ensembles Concert: LFO Fine Arts Center: 

Required for all jazz band students only

May 13 Spring Concert: LFO Fine Arts Center