Ms. Jeanne-Marie's Pre-K Class

 What's going on in Pre-K?

*Our Tiger of the Week: Owen LeBlanc*

Something to CELEBRATE:

26 days left until Summer!

Welcome to our class page!

 Important announcements and reminders:

Looking ahead: 

This week at a glance:


Literacy: Letter Jj; HFW learned: I, a, see, like, we, to, the, are, my, little

*Homework: Letter Jj homework due Friday!

Religion: school prayers and the Sign of the Cross; Seeds

*Please continue saying the Guardian Angel prayer, Hail Mary as well as Our Father each night.

Social Living & Science: 

Storybook Character Day (March 1st):

Storybook Character Day.pdf

Our class roster:


Please keep this prayer at home to practice at night with your child. We say this prayer each day before nap time. 

Guardian Angel Prayer

Angel of God, 

My guardian dear,

To whom God’s love

 Commits me here;

Ever this day

Be at my side

To light and guard,

To rule and guide.


Hail Mary

Hail Mary, Full of Grace

The Lord is with thee.

Blessed art thou among women

and blessed is the fruit

of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary,

Mother of God,

pray for us sinners

now and at the hour

of our death.
