Our Centre

Education Review Office

The Education Review Office checks all early childhood centres periodically to ensure standards are maintained and centres are meeting their obligations. Bright Stars had a review in March 2017. The Bright Stars team were very pleased with the feedback.

We were noted as "Well Placed". An extract from the report is below. Click here to read the full report

"The centre's belief in children as confident, capable, self-managing learners is evident in practice. Children know the routines and rituals of the centre well. Their developing social competence is evident in their interactions with their friends and with adults.

The centre's welcoming atmosphere encourages parents to linger and supports children to develop a sense of well-being and belonging. Relationships between teachers and whānau are strengthening and parents who spoke to ERO feel their contributions to the programme are valued. They appreciate teachers' inclusive practices and their support for children to retain their home languages."