Tractor Shed Theatre

Student Spotlight

Senior Natalie W.

“I’m a high school senior and I’ve been dancing for 7 years. I’ve been a part of the tractor shed as the stage manager and loved every moment. In the fall I will be attending UNCW to major in marine biology and environmental science, with a minor in technical theatre.”

Natalie is a Summa Cum Laude Honor Graduate. She is one of the hardest working students I know. She has been my right-hand lady for years now and not only can she sing, act, and dance but she is an amazing stage manager. Natalie is super organized and keeps us all in check. She has stayed on with other seniors to create a historic original virtual play which will premiere live-stream on the last day of school - May 22nd.

Natalie spends her quarantine time reading, painting, dancing, and working out. Natalie created a dance video to “I Raise a Hallelujah” for her entry in the Hickory Playground’s Quarantine Diaries. Her dance video features her sister who is also a SSHS student. She also created a cooking video for the Creative Quarantine Mini Task Choice Board which was Project 2 in Spring Play Production. Check them out!

Natalie’s Dance Video

Natalie’s Cooking Video (Vegetable Dumplings!)

Senior Seven L.

Senior Seven L. spends her quarantine time listening to music and creating make-up designs. For our Hickory Playground Quarantine Diaries Project, she married her two favorite activities to produce a Google Slideshow to showcase her creations. Her mixed media is clever, fun, and well-designed. You can listen to the song while viewing her designs. The arts have the power to keep awesome company during these unseen times. Seven has stayed on with other seniors to help write their upcoming spring play - an original show based on Quarantine! After graduation, Seven plans to further her love of theatre by pursuing her education to become a Theatre Arts Educator.

See Seven’s project here