Privacy Policy

Yumfolio is committed to ensuring the privacy and security of our users. We understand the importance of protecting your personal information. Therefore, we want to assure you that Yumfolio does not collect, use, or store any user data.

As a user of Yumfolio, you can rest assured that your privacy is paramount to us. We do not track your activities, access your device's information, or gather any personal data from you.

Yumfolio may utilize certain non-personal information for the purpose of improving user experience and app functionality. This may include aggregated usage statistics or technical data such as device type or operating system version. However, this information is collected and processed anonymously and cannot be used to identify individual users.

Our commitment to privacy means that you can enjoy using Yumfolio without any concerns about your personal information being compromised. If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please don't hesitate to contact us at