2021 - 2024

Selected Projects

(not in a specific order)

Seizure detection using machine learning models

Data visualizations of electroencephalogram signals:

Figure 1: plot of 5 random non-seizure EEG signals

Figure 2: plot of 5 random seizure EEG signals

Figure 3: Orange is seizure data and blue is non seizure data

Random forest classifier confusion matrix

How can machine learning be used for epileptic seizure detection? Seizure detection is not only very difficult but also people are often misdiagnosed with epilepsy. Additionally, EEG data is very long and extensive and the process of understanding and finding patterns in EEG data can be very time-consuming and difficult. Machine learning can be used to make this process more efficient and aid doctors in diagnosing epilepsy faster and more accurately. Above are several data visualizations of EEG signals including seizure and non-seizure data. To the left is a confusion matrix for my random forest classifier model with ideal hyperparameters trained on this EEG data. As you can see it had a lot of success in detecting true positives and true negatives. 

Internship with an underwater robot company

Over the summer of 2023, I interned at Hoytek, a company that produces all sizes of underwater robots for various use cases. There I got to be involved in the process of making and testing underwater robots. I worked in the electronics department making electrical boards/circuits and programmed these boards using C#. I even got to experience controlling the underwater robots.

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Game of Life

Game of Life is a cellular automaton devised by British mathematician John Conway in 1970. A cellular automaton is a discrete computational model represented as a grid of cells with distinct states. These cells evolve over discrete time steps based on rules, determined by the states of neighboring cells. It operates with simple rules, leading to complex and emergent behavior, making it a fascinating subject of study. I programmed my own Game of Life cellular automata using the programming language Java. Making it very customizable to change any rules or include different rules at any point. I used this project to explore 2D Arrays and applications of cellular automata.

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AI Project: Exoplanets

AI Exoplanet discovery project

In this project, my group and I used machine learning algorithms to classify light curves using transit photometry. We evaluated the accuracy and efficiency of our models to determine the best ones. We used data augmentation to generate a larger dataset and ensure our models were accurate. 


I programmed these animations using the computer graphics tool Blender.

Concentric Gold Rings

0001-1000 (1).mkv

Planet Explosion

0001-0150 (1).mkv

Taurus Evaporation

0001-0220 (1).mkv

Robotics Image Carousel

I have been part of Gaterbotics 1700 a FIRST robotics team since 2021. During my time on the team, I have been a member of the Build, Programming, and Strategy teams. This year as a scouting specialist I will be in charge of scouting at competitions, researching teams before competitions, pit scouting, and helping with Strategy. 

In 2023 our team won:

In 2022 our team won: 

Image Processing project

In this project, I explored image processing and implemented two main features: image tinting and image contrast adjustment. Additionally, I leveraged ArrayLists to efficiently store and manipulate image data. This project resulted in snake panels in a grid that changes from tinted or contrasted randomly when the mouse is clicked.

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Ayda Gokturk Tech Portfolio 2021 - 2023