February 11-15, 2019

Theme "We're All In This Together - High School Musical"

Monday - Not the Status Quo Day - Dress Like a Stereotype, but don't judge like one! Pancakes and Coffee Bar!

Not your typical "Nerds"

"Jocks" ready for action.

Just a couple of "Preps"

Tuesday - "Wildcat Day" (AKA Warrior Spirit Day) - Go all out for the Warriors and get a game day treat!

Wednesday - "Hamuhumumukumukuapua Day"! Dress like a tacky tourist or Hawaiian. Get Hawaiian roll ham and cheese sliders for breakfast!


Thursday - "Wear Red Day"! Red is FCCLA's official color AND it's Valentine's Day - Spread the Love. Do a RAOK! Cinnamon rolls for members and staff!

Friday - "We're All In This Together Day" ( and so is our food)! Wear a FCCLA club T-shirt and make your own smoothie before school.

February 12-16, 2018

Theme "Make the World a Brighter Place"

Monday - No Mirror Monday - Come as you are!

Pajamas and Pancakes!

Terrific Tuesday - Brighten up the School!

Wear Neon. Get a bag of Sprinkle Popcorn - Sprinkle Kindness wherever you go”

Get a bag of sprinkle popcorn and sprinkle kindness wherever you go!

Your're a FCCLA "Star" - "Bursting" with Kindness

Red Wednesday - Be InspiRED.

Wear red (FCCLA colors) and get a homemade cinnamon roll!

Throw-back Thursday

High Five Friday