2024-05-13 Faculty Senate

**Please log on through your @case.edu google account to access documents. 

2024-05-13 Faculty Senate Agenda.docx

Faculty Senate Agenda

MOTIONS IN ADVANCE FINAL 05-13 Faculty Senate Agenda.docx

Motions Submitted in Advance of the Meeting

2024-04-29 Draft Faculty Senate Minutes.docx

April 29, 2024 Senate Minutes

  • Consent Agenda 

2024-2025 Faculty Senate Executive Committee Representatives: 

Nominating Committee: Nominations for Members of Standing Committees:

Green denotes New members and members accepting additional terms.

Honorary Degree Committee 2024-2025.xlsx

Honorary Degree

Finance Committee 2024-2025.xlsx


Nominating Committee 2024-2025.xlsx


Minority Affairs 2024-2025.xlsx

Minority Affairs

Faculty Compensation 2023-2024.xlsx


Campus Planning Facilities and Space Governance 2024-2025.xlsx

Campus Planning

Undergraduate Education 2024-2025.xlsx

Undergraduate Education

Research Committee 2024-2025.xlsx


By-Laws 2024-2025.xlsx


Faculty Personnel 2024-2025.xlsx

Faculty Personnel

Grievance and Disciplinary Panel 2023-2024.xlsx


University Libraries 2024-2025.xlsx

University Libraries

Women Faculty 2024-2025.xlsx

Women Faculty

Information and Communication Technology 2024-2025.xlsx

Information and Communication Tech

Faculty Well-being, Engagement, and Community Subcommittee 2024-2025.xlsx

Subcommittee on Faculty Well-being

Graduate Studies 2024-2025.xlsx

Graduate Studies

President's Announcements

Provost's Announcements

APPROVED April 26, 2024 RECOMMENDATIONS from MHS HBF Committee.pdf

Chair's Announcements

Announcement of Faculty Senate Chair-Elect Results

Report from the Executive Committee May 8th and 9th, 2024

Graduate StudiesCommittee Program Actions

CRM Facutly Senate Overview Slide (Chaffee).pptx
CRMV-CT_ Compliance and Risk Management, Graduate Certificate (Online).pdf

CRMV-CT : Compliance and Risk Management, Graduate Certificate (Online)

CRMV-MCRM_ Compliance and Risk Management, MCRM (Online).pdf

CRMV-MCRM : Compliance and Risk Management, MCRM (Online)

ACS Postbacc presentation for Faculty Senate 05132024.pptx
CNR-CT_ Cancer Studies, Graduate Certificate.pdf

CNR-CT : Cancer Studies, Graduate Certificate 

MEM Summary for Faculty Senate - 5-13-2024.pptx
MEM-MEM_ Master of Engineering and Management.pdf

MEM-MEM : Master of Engineering and Management

AI Policy with ExCom 2024-05-08 CWRU23-24bulletin - suggested changes.pdf

Charge to FSCUE From Provost Re: Academic Integrity Policy and AI

May 8 ExCom Promotion and Tenure Instructions - revisions to DEI section w_Service v1.pdf

DEI Statement: Discussion and Motion

FS ExCom - 2024 Faculty Climate Results.pptx

Climate Survey Report

2024 Faculty Climate Results by School Tables (1).pdf
Faculty Climate Survey 2024 Key Takeaways.pdf
2024 Faculty Climate Survey Report.pdf
ExCom May 8 CPR amendments to IV. Professional responsibilities (1) (2).pdf

Chapter 3 Amendments to Professional Responsibilities, Approved by Executive Committee on May 8th, 2024 

Chair of the Faculty Senate Annual Report 2023-2024 (1).pdf

Report from Faculty Senate Chair: Accomplishments in 2023-2024 

Summary of 2023-2024

Summary of Faculty Senate Annual Report May 13 2024.pdf
APPROVED April 26, 2024 RECOMMENDATIONS from MHS HBF Committee.pdf

President Approved Recommendations from the MetroHealth Hospital-Based Faculty Committee

Passing of the Gavel   

New Business


End of Term Reception