Undergraduate Interships

Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, and Holden Forest and Gardens have affiliated undergraduate internship programs that facilitate networking, mentoring, and professional development.

Claudia Victoroff from Holden Arboretum discusses beach leaf disease. CWRU's Squire Valleevue Farms (Summer 2023)

Graduate student Brady Parlato in the Benard Lab explains his growth chamber experiment. Case Western Reserve University's Squire Valleevue Farms (Summer 2023)

Angie Lenard, PhD candidate in the Diamond lab, Department of Biology, Case Western Reserve University, leads a tour of her experiments in the growth chamber facility.  Case Western Reserve University's Squire Valleevue Farms (Summer 2022)

BioAlliance Interns at the Holden Emergent Tower, Summer 2021.

Undergraduate Oglebay Fellow Alyssa Forbes in the Benard Lab explains her mesocosm experiment with graduate student Troy Neptune. CWRU's Squire Valleevue Farms (Summer 2023)

Troy Neptune, PhD Candidate in the Benard lab, Department of Biology, Case Western Reserve University, leads a tour of his experimental mesocosms (Summer 2022).

BioAlliance Interns at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, Summer 2021.

23 June 2021

The Annual BioAlliance Intern Fun Days continue with a tour of Case Western Reserve University's Squire Valleevue Farms.

30 June 2021

The Annual BioAlliance Intern Fun Days continue with a tour of The Cleveland Museum of Natural History.

Undergraduate Alliance Interns from Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, Holden Arboretum, and the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, summer 2019.

Burns lab, including Nick Schlosser, Alexis Balog, Jean Burns, Evan Fritzke, and Yu Liu, conducting an experiment at Holden Arboretum, summer 2018.

Stuble lab interns, Holden Arboretum, Summer 2019.

Holden Summer Intern Program, including CWRU Burns lab, summer 2018.

Holden Summer Intern Program and Burns lab (CWRU), Summer 2017.

Holden Summer Intern Program and Burns and Benard labs (CWRU), Summer 2015.