RESPECT everyone!

GOLDEN RULE: Treat others the way you expect to be treated.

Make a true effort to get along with everyone!

Remember, wherever you are - in school & out of school - you represent TEAM 6A!


Prepared - Have all necessary materials for class:

  • agenda

  • notebooks/binders for all classes

  • pencil - preferably two

  • SSR book

  • Chromebook

Prompt - Be on time (or be early!).

Positive - Have a positive attitude! Respectfully let teachers know there if is a concern.

Polite - Use your manners: Please! Thank you! You're welcome!


Every day, every box!

Fill in "none" when no homework is given.

$5 replacement fee for lost agendas.

Homework will be posted daily by teachers in their Google Classrooms.

Absent?? --> Check the Stream in each core's Google Classroom for updates to stay caught up in your work.


90-100% A - Excellent

80-89% B - Good

70-79% C - Average

60-69% D - Poor, needs improvement

0-59% F - Failure

Grades will be communicated to parents at progress report time (half way through each marking period) and at the end of each marking period. If a student receives a grade of less than 70% in any class or subject on a progress report, parents are encouraged to contact the appropriate teacher. Progress reports and report cards can be viewed in Sapphire.

Parents may also access grades at anytime throughout the year by logging onto their Sapphire account!