Library Hours

Mon.-Fri. 7:20-2:50

When Can Students Come to the Library?

STUDENTS MUST HAVE A SIGNED PASS FROM A TEACHER/STAFF MEMBER TO COME TO THE LIBRARY. Please sign in upon your arrival and sign out upon leaving.

How Many Books Can A Student Check Out?

Students may check out up to 2 books for three weeks.  If a student needs more time with a book, they may renw the book as many times as it takes to finish the book, unless the book is in high demand.   

What Do I Need To Check Out a Book?

To check out a book you need to have ONE of the following:

Really, the library staff just needs to see your name written on paper so we aren't asking, "what did you say? HUH? what?"  Please don't think that if you don't have your ID card you can't get a book, NOT TRUE!

All About Overdue Books

Library Contact Information

Librarian:  Mrs. Katherine Miller


Phone: 717-261-3376