
Standards Aligned System (SAS) website

Click on "Curriculum Framework" (twice) and then select 1st grade and subject.
You can see how daily lessons build to master these standards.

There are also helpful ideas and activities that you can do with your child at home.


The most important way to improve reading is to read, read, read. Encourage your child to read at least 10-15 minutes every day.

When your child is reading at home and comes to an unknown word, ask him or her to use a reading strategy instead of telling them the word.

Reading Strategies:

*Look at the picture

*Get your mouth ready

*Go back and reread

*Look for chunks you know

*Does it make sense?

Open Court Reading Resources

(click link)


Students organize their thoughts with pictures then write sentences describing the pictures. All stories have characters with a setting (the who and where), details or events (the what), and an ending (a feeling sentence or conclusion).

Writing Rubric - Brief Explanation

Focus: stick to one topic

Organization: write with sequence (BME) and use transition words

Content: details that paint a picture

Style: a variety of words and voice

Conventions: sentences have capitalization and punctuation, most words are spelled correctly


Students who can count and recognize numbers do well in math. You can work on the counting skill at home by having your child count pennies, rocks, or other small objects. You can also have your child read (recognize) numbers from calendars, road signs, or the newspaper.

Numbers are everywhere.

We are adding small quantities by playing various math games. Counting all is when a child counts the pictures on both cards. Counting on, a more complex skill, is when you say the higher number and then count the pictures on the other card.

First Grade Standards

(click link)