Coronavirus (COVID19)-School Closure FAQ

While we have worked to make this FAQ (frequently asked questions) sheet as comprehensive as possible we welcome any additional or clarifying questions that you might have.

Q: When and why are schools closed?

A: Per a directive from Governor Pritzker, schools in Illinois were closed starting on Tuesday, March 17th and are currently scheduled to reopen on Wednesday, April 8.

Q: How can my child access meals during this closure?

A: We are making meals available via a Grab and Go sack style option at various locations. Please click here for more information on Grab and Go meals.

Q: My child would like to retrieve a personal item from school. Is this possible?

A: Per Governor Pritzker's directive, school buildings are currently closed. If your need is of a timely essence, please email your building principal.

Q: Will graduation dates change?

A: All graduation dates are set and will currently remain the same.

Q: What will happen with school events, athletics, and extracurricular activities during the closure?

A: All school events and madatory practices are cancelled during the closure.

Q: What will happen with events, athletics, and extracurricular activities scheduled on or after April 8?

A: Per IHSA website as of March 25, 2020:

"April 8 is the target date, however, there are state governmental, and educational and health bodies that will need to approve this action as we get closer to it. It is too early to say definitively that IHSA activities will resume on April 8. Coaches will ultimately need to work in conjunction with their local school administration, as some school districts may choose to be more restrictive in their decisions to return to team practice or games."

Carterville CUSD #5 values all extracurricular activities and will provide more information regarding guidance and decisions moving forward as they become available.

Q: How do we get medicine that might be stored at school that we will need during the closure?

A: Please email your building principal regarding options for pick up.

Q: How will the schools be working to continue education?

A: While student and community health and safety are the first priority, we are also working to do our best to ensure the continuance of education. This will vary from building to building. Some schools will be sending home packets, while others will be providing books and e-learning opportunities. Each student will be instructed as to what this will look like from their teachers at their schools. We would also encourage the use of the many educational resources that are accessible online.

Q: Will these educational resources and opportunities have grades assigned?

A: During the current mandated closure (March 17th-April 7) ISBE prohibits the grading of at home educational opportunities. These activities are intended to keep minds active and engaged during the time away from direct instruction.

Q: Will this affect my JAnLC cohort courses, or JALC dual enrollment courses?

A: For all courses taught by JALC faculty, students are expected to continue their coursework online. Beginning the week of March 23rd, students should monitor Volmail and the College website for the latest updates. Information will be provided on how students will move forward with online delivery. Individual class information will be posted in D2L when online delivery begins.