Mrs. Mesa
Parent Conferences Link: Time Slots
My Schedule 2020- 2021
Period 1 - Honors English 3 - Google Code -
Period 2 - English 3 - Google Code -
Period 9/10 - Freshman Seminar - Google Code -
Period 11 - Freshman Seminar - Google Code -
Period 12 - Honors English 3 - Google Code -
Parent Virtual Support Zoom:
Topic: Virtual Support for Parents
Time: Sep 2, 2020 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Every week on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, until Oct 13, 2020, 30 occurrence(s)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 882 6325 6526
Passcode: 654917
I am so happy to welcome your child into my class for the 2020-2021 school year. I need your support to make this year as productive as possible. I have listed the classroom rules so that you can read them and discuss them with your child. Discipline is a crucial part of the learning/teaching process. Without discipline learning and teaching will both be hindered.
I also added the parent contract sheet so I can be better prepared for the year. The grade that your child will receive is averaged out by the journal, homework/classwork, and test/essays. It is very important to set up a quiet time and place where your child will be able to read and complete their written assignments. The long term projects are usually given one month time to be completed. I will always give out direction sheets for these projects. Some projects are group projects and your child will need to work with others for a grade.
I know that, by both of our working together, this will be a great year.
Please feel free to contact me with any concerns you have regarding your child in my class. You can leave a message for me at the main office or e-mail and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible. I know that with support from home and school, all children will achieve many goals in life.