Parental Involvement Plan
Parental Involvement Plan
The mission of White Oak Elementary School to develop strong mind, body, and character through challenging learning opportunities and community involvement inspiring globally responsible citizens.
Vision: Preparing All Wildcats for Success!
We are proud to be a part of this network.
Parental Involvement Plan
White Oak Elementary’s Parent Involvement Plan as Part of the School Improvement Plan (Policy 1310/4002)
The principal shall publicize drafts of the parental involvement plan prior to finalization and solicit input from parents of students in the school. This plan must include, at a minimum, efforts to enhance parental involvement by promoting the following priorities:
Regular, meaningful, two-way communication between home and school
Phones calls (individual or school-wide phone notification)
Electronic communication (social media platforms, apps (Remind, DOJO, etc.)
Written communication (email, newsletters, invitations, etc.)
Parent conferences
Parent/Community events
White Oak Elementary promotes responsible parenting by:
Provide access to online grading portal for grades 3-12
Provide interim progress reports and report cards for grade K-12
Provide opportunities for parent teacher conferences
Encourage parents to participate in school-based activities
White Oak Elementary will involve parents in student learning by:
Clear and consistent communication regarding academic progress
Various student-centered meetings that address student strengths and opportunities for growth
White Oak Elementary will encourage volunteering in the school by:
Providing volunteer training
Offering various school-based volunteer opportunities
White Oak Elementary will involve parents in school decisions that affect children and families by inviting and encouraging parents to be on school committees such as:
PTO (Parent Teacher Organization)
PAC (Parent Advisory Committee)
SIT (School Improvement Team)
Booster Clubs (Athletics, Band, etc.)
White Oak Elementary will provide parental training based on parents’ informational needs as gathered by:
Parent Advisory Council Meetings
Parent Representative on School Improvement Teams
Student Support Team Meeting Information
White Oak Elementary will collaborate with community agencies and other organizations to provide resources to strengthen school programs, families, and student learning by:
White Oak Elementary will promote student health awareness among parents by addressing the need for health programs and student health services linked to student learning by:
Providing quality health education instruction to all students
Providing qualified student support staff to support student well-being