Comprehensive Health Education Program

CCPS Comprehensive Health Program

The Board of Education is committed to a sound, comprehensive health education program that provides students with accurate information and encourages them to be responsible for their own health and behavior. The Board recognizes the primary role of parents in providing for the health and well-being of their children and seeks to involve parents as provided in this policy. The CCPS health education program will, at a minimum, meet all legal requirements, including the standards established by the North Carolina legislature in the Basic Education Program.

I. Comprehensive Health Education Program 

A comprehensive health education program must be taught to students from kindergarten through ninth grade. As required by law, the health education program must include age-appropriate instruction on bicycle safety, nutrition, dental health, environmental health, family living, consumer health, disease control, growth and development, first aid and emergency care, mental and emotional health, drug and alcohol abuse prevention, and reproductive health and safety education.

In high school, the Healthy Living curriculum is part of the Health/PE course typically taken in ninth grade. In some instances, students take this course after ninth grade, generally because of scheduling issues.

II. Reproductive Health and Safety Education Program 

The CCPS Comprehensive Education Program is linked here

III. Parental Opportunity to Review Materials and Consent or Withhold Consent for Student Participation 

Please find information linked here on how to review materials for  and to consent or withhold consent for participation in CCPS Reproductive Health Program.

IV. Parent Notification Letters for CCPS Reproductive Health Programs

Parent Letters for Elementary, Middle, and High school Reproductive Health Programs are linked below.  Each school is responsible for sending home these parental consent letters at least 60 days prior to instruction. 

ES Reproductive Health Permission

MS Reproductive Health Permission

MS Spanish Reproductive Health Permission

HS Reproductive Health Permission

HS Spanish Reproductive Health Permission