Tier 1
All Classrooms,
All students
It All Starts with the Classroom
Step 1: Determine if the classroom is rich in Tier 1 best practices
Step 2: Improve best practices in Tier 1
Define and Determine Majors/Office Referral and Minors - Schoolwide
Consistently teach the rules and expectations
Define and teach positive expectations
Establish classroom routines
Create routines and maintain them
Ensure they are predictable routines
Create and maintain a safe environment
Make instruction relevant to students
Build, repair, and maintain positive student relationships
Teach positive expectations
Establish positive connections
Foster positive relationships
Engage all students
Actively engage students in learning
Provide specific feedback
Make proactive classroom adjustments to prevent the problem: Antecedent Modification
Step 3: If everything in Tier 1 is in place in the classroom, then...
Refer the student to your school's problem solving team - contact your counselor or admin
The problem solving teem will meet and discuss the needs of the student
Action Steps will be created for implementation/support (4-6 wks)