The War of the Worlds

Premiering October 30 & 31, 2020

The War of the Worlds Radio Play

On October 30, 1938, Orson Welles and the Mercury Theatre Company performed an adaptation of H.G. Wells' 1898 novel, The War of the Worlds. The broadcast caused a panic when hundreds of listeners took the fictional story of Martians attacking the Earth as fact.

Join us this Halloween season as the CHS Advanced Theatre class recreate this infamous piece of radio theatre, virtually, with a script updated specifically for 2020.


Premiering Friday, October 30 at 7pm

Cohort 1

Featuring Hayden Breiter, Kaylee Collaso, Abby Cook, Eric Crounk, Emily Messmann, Kaitlyn Patton and Emma Tuttle

Premiering Saturday, October 31 at 7pm

Cohort 2

Featuring Elena Brugger, Nadia Hill, Elyssa Robinson, Isaiah Santos, Aydree Shehorn, Jasmine Soriano, Veronica Villeda, Hannah Walker, and Jalina Whitney