Once you’re off to the races, the most important thing is to stay focused.

If you have multiple campaigns going on at the same time (which is often the case), make sure you’re setting priorities and sticking to them. You can’t do your best work if your attention is split a hundred different ways at once!

It’s helpful to think of your advocacy as a wishlist, and order the issues by priority level. Then use the list as a reference when dividing your time between your various projects.

You should also only ask for a few things at a time—no one will know what you want if you ask for everything under the sun! Refer back to your priorities and focus on a small set of them at once. If something needs to wait, that’s ok. It’s better to be effective in the meantime and give something else the attention it deserves later.

Need some help staying on track, or setting an agenda that sets you up for success? We’re only a phone call or email away! Reach out anytime.

Feeling focused and in control?

Then you’re ready for Step 7