Once change starts happening, the important thing is to react to it (whether in a positive or negative way).

If there’s movement on your issue, whether it’s a policy change or just a developing story in the media that’s related to your work, you have a few options on how to respond:

  • Share the news through your networks, adding your commentary (positive or negative)

  • Release a statement on the developments, and share it to your media list(s)

  • Document the developments as part of your “toolkit” to use later, as your campaign develops. You can use it to support your key messaging.

In any case, you should update your Members and Chapter teams.

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, take this time to thank everyone who has helped you get this far (especially if you’re responding to good news related to your campaign efforts)! A little gratitude goes a long way in maintaining positive stakeholder relationships, which will sustain your advocacy going forward.

Need some advice on how to pivot your campaign strategy in light of developments? We’re here to help.

Move to Step 8