The Fight Against Opioids

Take this quiz before you explore our web page. You might be surprised about how serious the opioid crisis really is.

What are opioids?

Opioids are pain medications that medical providers prescribe for pain management, including post-operative, severe, and/or terminal pain.

Popular Types of Opioids


Codeine is most commonly prescribed in a syrup; it is used to treat a patient who has a bad cough or is in severe pain.


Benzodiazepines include many prescription drugs,, the most notable ones being diazepam (Valium) and alprazolam (Xanax). These are prescribed to help patients suffering with anxiety or insomnia.


Morphine is administered to patients through a needle to relieve pain. It is an opium-derivative taken from plants.


Hydrocodone is a drug given to patients suffering severe pain, and it is highly addictive, usually leading to long-term negative effects.

How can state health departments decrease and regulate providers' prescribing of opioids?

More laws need to be implemented to control the number of prescription opioids that are prescribed to patients. The opioid numbers have been increasing steadily since 2018, and there is no evidence of a decline. Many people are unaware that opioid-related deaths have almost doubled in recent years. Though DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) and state regulations offer some safeguards, both providers and the public need to be better educated about opioid addiction, and providers need to be directed to follow the CDC's recommendations for best practices in pain management—as well as in assessing patients' family history with addiction.