Discussion Session 2 Abstract
Multigrain indexing
Chairpersons: Henning Friis Poulsen (hfpo@fysik.dtu.dk) and Mathias Meyer (Mathias.Meyer@rigaku.com)
Processing of multigrain diffraction data requires indexing of reflections from many crystals present in X-ray beam simultaneously in order to find their orientation matrices. Based on the known orientations positions of all the reflections from crystalline grains can be predicted and used to integrate their intensities. In general samples at high pressure may contain multiple known and unknown phases and all the crystals from all these phases giving contributions to the diffraction patterns must be recognized by indexing of reflections. Despite substantial progress was obtained in this area currently available programs for multigrain indexing require further improvement and optimization in order to make them applicable for routine analysis of high pressure diffraction data. Multiple approaches to index multigrain diffraction data and some practical examples will be presented in details and discussed.
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