A/B Testing and Platform-Enabled Learning Research

The Fourth Annual Workshop at Learning @ Scale 2023 

July 20, 2023, 9am-4pm
Copenhagen University Library, Copenhagen, Denmark
Submission URL - https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=pele4

Date, Time, & Zoom Link

Fourth Annual Workshop on A/B Testing and Platform-Enabled Learning Research
July 20, 2023, 9am-4pm 
Copenhagen University Library, Copenhagen, Denmark

Submission Details

Submission Type: 4 page PDFs in CHI / ACM format (Word, LaTeX, Overleaf). References are not included in page limit.

Submission URL: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=pele4

Submission Deadline: June 30, 2023 (extended from June 23)

Agenda, Accepted Papers, & Links


Schedule is in Copenhagen, Denmark (GMT+2) time

9:00-9:30 Welcome and Introductions

9:30-10:30 Long presentations

9.30-10:00 Assessing the Quality of Large Language Models in Generating Mathematics Explanations. Allison Wang, Ethan Prihar and Neil Heffernan. [PDF]

10:00-10:30 Evolving Capabilities for Experimentation in the OLI Torus Platform. John Stamper, Steven Moore, Tanvi Domadia, Marshall An and Norman Bier. [PDF]

10:30-10:45 Morning Break

10:45-11:45 Short presentations

10:45-11:00 Building Resilient Education Systems: Evidence from Large-Scale Randomized Trials in Five Countries (Janica Magat, presenter). Noam Angrist, Claire Cullen, Sai Pramod Bathena, Peter Bergman, Colin Crossley, Thato Letsomo, Moitshepi Matsheng, Rene Marlon Panti, Shwetlena Sabarwal and Tim Sullivan.

11:00-11:15 A sequential Bayesian approach to educational A/B testing utilizing the ELO rating algorithm in low and middle income environments. Aidan Friedberg.

11:15-11:30 Some Challenges and Opportunities of Platform-Enabled Experimental Research. Ilya Musabirov.

11:30-11:45 Personalizing Mathematics Word Problems with Localized Names: Six Randomized Fields Trials Using UpGrade and MATHia. Kaleb Mathieu, Stephen Fancsali and April Murphy. [PDF]

11:45-1:00 Discussion & Lunch

1:00-2:00 Long presentations

1:00-1:30 Using an A/B Test to Fine-tune Personalized Skill Placement in K-12 Digital Learning. (Remote/Zoom Presentation) Korinn Ostrow, Ziwei Zhou, Amy Dray and Michelle Barrett. [PDF]

1:30-2:00 A/B Testing with Subgroups: Challenges and Choices in Practice. Clara Tump, Pieter Kouyzer and Roelant Stegmann.
2:00-2:15 Afternoon Break/Configure breakout groups

2:15-3:00 Breakout Session  

3:00-3:10 Closing Remarks & Intro to Demo Session

3:10-4:00 Informal Demo Session: All attendees with a platform or app to demo can do so as other attendees circulate in the room.

Background/Call for Papers

There is no simple path that will take us immediately from the contemporary amateurism of the college to the professional design of learning environments and learning experiences. The most important step is to find a place on campus for a team of individuals who are professionals in the design of learning environments — learning engineers, if you will.  - Herbert Simon

Learning engineering adds tools and processes to learning platforms to support improvement research [2]. One kind of tool is A/B testing [3], which is common in large software companies and also represented academically at conferences like the Annual Conference on Digital Experimentation (CODE). A number of A/B testing systems focused on educational applications have arisen recently, including UpGrade[4] and E-TRIALS[5]. A/B testing can be part of the puzzle of how to improve educational platforms, and yet challenging issues in education go beyond the generic paradigm. For example, the importance of teachers and instructors to learning means that students are not only connecting with software as individuals, but also as part of a shared classroom experience. Further, learning in topics like mathematics can be highly dependent on prior learning, and thus A or B may not be better overall, but only in interaction with prior knowledge [6]. In response, a set of learning platforms is opening their systems to improvement research by instructors and/or third-party researchers, with specific supports necessary for education-specific research designs. This workshop will explore how A/B testing in educational contexts is different, how learning platforms are opening up new possibilities, and how these empirical approaches can be used to drive powerful gains in student learning.  It will also discuss forthcoming opportunities for funding to conduct platform-enabled learning research.

We invite papers (up to 4 pages in CHI Proceedings format) addressing issues with conducting A/B testing and learning engineering platforms, including those addressing:

The 2020, 2021, and 2022 workshops on this topic were very successful, with some of the highest registrations of any workshops at the conference. We welcome participation from researchers and practitioners who have either practical or theoretical experience related to running A/B tests and/or randomized trials as well as platform-enabled learning research. This may include researchers with backgrounds in learning science, computer science, economics and/or statistics.


[1] Herbert A. Simon. 1967. The job of a college president. Educational Record, 48, 68-78.

[2] Melina R. Uncapher (2018): From the science of learning (and development) to

learning engineering, Applied Developmental Science, https://doi.org/10.1080/10888691.2017.1421437

[3] Kohavi, R., Deng, A., Frasca, B., Walker, T., Xu, Y., & Pohlmann, N. (2013, August). Online controlled experiments at large scale. In Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining (pp. 1168-1176).

[4] Ritter, S., Murphy, A., Fancsali, S. Lomas, D., Fitkariwala, V.  and Patel, N.. (2020). UpGrade: An open source tool to support A/B testing in educational software. L@S Workshop on A/B Testing at Scale.

[5] Ostrow, K.S., Heffernan, N.T., & Williams, J.J. (2017). Tomorrow’s EdTech Today: Establishing a Learning Platform as a Collaborative Research Tool for Sound Science. Teachers College Record, Volume 119 Number 3, 2017, 1-36.
[6] Fyfe, E. R. (2016). Providing feedback on computer-based homework in middle-school classrooms. Computers in Human Behavior, 63, 568-574. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2016.05.082

Workshop Structure


The conference organizers all have deep practical experience with building learning engineering platforms for educational software. We will solicit presentations through the call for participation and, upon acceptance, organize those presentations into themes, which will form the basis of the workshop.


This will be a full-day workshop. The morning session will be devoted to presentations and discussions of accepted papers. We will organize presenters into sessions addressing major themes (e.g. “communicating to the public about random-assignment experiments”), with the expectation that we will have 4-6 themes addressed during the workshop. Each presenter will have 15 minutes to present, followed by 5 minutes for questions. At the end of each theme session, a discussant will lead a panel discussion including the presenters and structured around discussion related to the general theme.

The afternoon session will consist of two sets of breakout sessions, organized by key questions. Attendees can choose which session they wish to attend. One session will focus more on A/B testing within one’s own platform; the other on how a researcher might use other platforms that are open to research from third parties. They collaborate on a Google Doc, which serves to guide a presentation to the full workshop, along with notes from the session.  In the 2022 workshop, the breakout groups addressed the following questions:


We will publish papers and continue to develop and deploy systems in this area. Following the earlier workshops, we created a Slack channel for continuing discussions on this issue, and we expect to continue discussions on this forum. We expect this workshop to be repeated and become part of the basis for a community of researchers who are conducting A/B tests at scale.

Previous Workshops

We've renamed the workshop this year to better reflect a broader scope of platform-enabled learning research, including large-scale A/B testing and field trials!

Third Annual Workshop on A/B Testing and Platform-Enabled Learning Research

Second Workshop on Educational A/B Testing at Scale (L@S 2021) 

First Workshop on Educational A/B Testing at Scale (L@S 2020) [Proceedings]
