Carmel Middle School

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Congratulations to this week's Cougar Pride Spirit Winner: Beto Peinado

Congratulations to our second trimester Cougar Paw Winners! 

Our top sixth grader was Alyssa Agafonova, our top seventh grader was Hayden Thompson, and our top eighth grader was Drew Arnold! 

As for all of our students who had ten or more Cougar Paws, we appreciate all of you proving that you go above and beyond in your classes. Sixth grade: Ellie Blum, Olivia Ford, Giovani Bueno, and Riley Boyce. Seventh grade: Ayah Bitar, Olivia Tringali, Neelima Solano Ramirez, Connor Thomas, Angelo Cayo, Sherri Beretti, Phoebe Wollery, Eva Espinola, Sara Parker, Robby Cantor, Elinor King, Tony Martinez, Fiona Malone, Jade Granberry, Zach Gardner, Tim Schnader, Logan Romias, Beto Peinado, Wade Northelfer, Jorge Mendez Resendiz, Cora Landry, Dylan Thomas, and Tanya Ramos. Eighth Grade: Teddy Reiser, Grace Xu, Choice Muivah, and Taylor Tongneri. 

Go Cougars!  



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Hey Cougars, Yearbook needs your pictures!  The only way we can pull off a book this year is with your help.  We need all kinds of photos- hobbies, sports, 8th grade baby pics, selfies, and pics of you doing your thing.  Click on the link to see what we need and upload YOUR OWN pics!