How To Choose and Select Courses

2024 Course Selection is made via SCHOOL BRIDGE

Selection must be made by midday Friday 25 August. Courses can be altered up to midday on Friday 25 August 2023.

Please contact if you have any queries about selecting courses on SchoolPoint. 

To select courses, please follow the steps below:



We are in the process of planning for the implementation of NCEA Level 1, 2024. 

At this point in time the revised Achievement Standards are in draft. Once the Achievement Standards are registered, learning areas will determine what standards will be assessed in 2024. 

This information will be shared when it becomes available, which could be as late as the start of the 2024 academic year. 

The literacy and numeracy co-requisite will be assessed in 2023 for Year 10 students as we are piloting these standards. Further information regarding the sitting of the co-requisites for Year 10 students will be communicated shortly.


Please note for 2024:

Year 9 - only ONE subject to be chosen plus one Alternative (in case their main subject is unavailable)

Year 10 - only THREE subjects to be chosen plus one Alternative (in case their main subject is unavailable)

Year 11 - subject choices consist of FOUR compulsory subjects plus THREE optional subjects plus one Alternative optional subject (in case their main subject is unavailable)

Year 12 - subject choices consist of TWO compulsory subjects plus FIVE optional subjects plus THREE optional subjects plus one Alternative optional subject (in case their main subject is unavailable)

Year 13 - subject choices concists of ONE compulsory subject plus FIVE optional subjects plus THREE optional subjects plus one Alternative optional subject (in case their main subject is unavailable)

Compulsory subjects  for 2024 are:

Year 11 Compulsory Subjects:

English OR English as an Additional Language


Science OR Science Applied

Religious Education

Year 12 Compulsory Subjects:

English or English as an Additional Language

Religious Education

Year 13 Compulsory Subject:

Religious Education

If you require more information about a course please refer to the information on this website.

Please Note:

1.    Availability of all courses is subject to student numbers and staffing

2.     Some courses will not be available if numbers are too small

3.     Some classes may be combined by Year level (e.g. Year 11 and 12 in one class) if numbers do not make separate classes viable

4.     It may not be possible to accommodate all choices and combinations of subjects

5.     Parents/Caregivers and students need to satisfy themselves that a chosen course meets the student’s goals for the following year and beyond