Health is Wealth
Welcome everyone. In creating this initiative, we had in mind the best interest for our students. Something on the lines of eating better foods, getting more physical activity and overall total health. Many of our children today have developed poor health habits that affect them currently and will continue on later in life. Simply put...unhealthy children usually become unhealthy adults. The fact that our younger boys and girls could possibly be the first generation who will not out live their parents is not only alarming but disturbing as well. Not to mention the billions of dollars spent on health care in this country every year. As health educators, what should our course of action be with the current trend?
Enter "Health is Wealth".....
With this idea we hope to actively initiate a program where students can see first hand how their current health habits are affecting their lifestyle. By witnessing and adjusting their behaviors towards better health, we intend to have them do some critical thinking when it comes to their own well-being.
So please join in on what is expected to be a very exciting adventure!!!