Summer Learning

K-12 Summer Resources 

 These resources are curated by CUSD teachers for students to work on independently without support or supervision from a teacher.  

After July 28, district-supported programs located in Clever may not be available. 

English Language Development Practice for English Language Learners of All Grades

Práctica del desarrollo del idioma inglés para estudiantes del idioma inglés de todos los grados.

Log in with Class Code bait3332.  

Iniciar sesión con código de clase bait3332.

Take the Placement Test.

Toma la prueba de nivel.

You will be given your placement results. 

Se le darán los resultados de su colocación.

Find your starting Level and Unit. Begin practicing!  

Encuentra tu nivel y unidad iniciales. ¡Empiece a practicar!

City of Carlsbad Libraries Summer Reading Program 


Students of all ages can earn incentives as they read, explore and discover this summer. Enjoy virtual, live and pre-recorded performances, engaging and educational virtual programs led by library staff and more. 


Library Services

Los estudiantes de todas las edades pueden ganar incentivos mientras leen, exploran y descubren este verano. Disfrute de actuaciones virtuales, en vivo y pregrabadas, programas virtuales educativos y atractivos dirigidos por el personal de la biblioteca y más.

Servicios bibliotecarios

Tips for Utilizing Technology Tools for Learning 

Helping Your Virtual Learner Succeed

Click here to learn about how to:

Designate a learning space

Promote time management

Encourage communication

Establish good study habits and routines

Utilize training videos

Check-in with your student

Essential Tools for Learning

Click here for Elementary School resources

Click here for Secondary resources

Technology Support


Clever brings all K-12 applications into one secure portal and provides single sign-on for everyone in the district so that students do not need to remember unique login credentials to all of the programs that they use. Essentially, it's a digital resources hub that streamlines access.

What is Clever?

Click the document above to learn more.


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