Helper middle school Student Services

HMS School Counseling

Helper Middle School CCR Comprehensive School Counseling Program assists students with career exploration and literacy, interest inventories, grade and behavior tracking, group and individual counseling, student conflicts, and College and Career readiness (CCR) conferences.  School counseling supports the school-wide PBIS system.  Please contact, Nicole Smuin, (information below) about the services provided through the counseling office.

HMS School Mental health

Mental health services are available to our students at HMS.  We strive to reduce the stigma of mental illness, and support our students through their middle school years by providing services  in the school setting. Mental health services are provided by Mrs. Morley, LCSW (contact information below).  Services may include classroom support, individual therapy and/or group therapy. 

Mental health includes a students' social, emotional, and behavioral health, and the ability to cope with life’s challenges. Students that are mentally healthy are more likely to attend school with a learning mindset, engage in positive/pro-social activities, build supportive and caring connections with others, and use problem solving skills.

It is our goal to provide a holistic learning environment and give our students the opportunity to grow academically, socially and emotionally. 

If you feel that your child could benefit from individual or group counseling, please contact the school. 

The consent form below, must be signed and returned to the school prior to ongoing individual or group counseling taking place.  A copy of the consent forms are available per request. 

 Click on the following link to view/print the consent form: 

Consent for Mental Health Services

Mrs. Smuin, School Counselor


Phone:  (435) 472-4804

Request counseling services form: 

Consent for Counseling Services 

Mrs. Morley, LCSW-Helper Middle Mental Health


Phone: (435) 472-4824

Hours @ HMS: Wednesday PM & Thursday