Parent Resources for Pre-Adolescent and Adolescent Development Support

A compilation of resources, tools and support for parents and families regarding hard to discuss topics such as puberty, menstruation and hygiene

Mission of the project

Welcome to CUSD’s Pre-Adolescent/Adolescent Development Support Website. It is a resource for you, the parent of 4th-8th grade child. It is designed to help educate parents on what to expect as your child navigates pre-adolescence and adolescence. The main goal is to help you understand what you need to know about hygiene, puberty, menstruation, and familial communication to help ensure that you feel confident when communicating with your child regarding these subjects. Biological, as well as social-emotional issues will be the main focus. This website is full of resources to assist you in navigating this journey your child. Enjoy exploring! 

Good hygiene is important to maintain health. Body changes during puberty can lead to changes in hygiene needs. Find articles and resources here about hygiene myths, standards and talking to your child about the importance of good hygiene practices. 

Articles related to puberty and adolescent development.

Articles and tips specifically related to menstruation.

Resources and Guides for Hard Conversations 

Talking to your child about hygiene, puberty and the changes that come with it can be challenging. This section offers resources and guided communication exercises to help you approach these subjects and have a meaningful and supportive dialogue.

Talking to your child about hygiene, puberty and the changes that come with it can be challenging. This section offers resources and guided communication exercises to help you approach these subjects and have a meaningful and supportive dialogue.


Contact Erica Finigan if you have any difficulty navigating the website