Program Requirements

Program Requirements

  • Student must be a self-starter and self-directed.

  • Student must read, write, and comprehend at 9th grade reading level.

  • Attendance and completion of work is monitored weekly to ensure academic progress.

  • Student may not be more than 20 credits deficient. If deficient, the student should be enrolled in the resident high school’s Academic Intervention (AI) program.

  • Warning letters are issued when students fail to attend a meeting and/or are late to a meeting with their Fresh Start teacher and for incomplete/unsatisfactory work.

  • Students are dropped from Fresh Start when they receive three warning letters. If a student is dropped from the program, the student will not be readmitted to Fresh Start. The student will be transferred back to the high school of residence or may elect to transfer to Union Continuation High School.

  • Each five-credit class takes a minimum of three weeks to complete (except P.E. and math courses take an entire semester). Each assignment is designed to be completed in one week. The maximum time a student may spend on one contracted class (except P.E. and math courses) is eight weeks.