CUSD PLC Warehouse


The purpose of the CUSD PLC Warehouse website is to provide resources to support the implementation of the Professional Learning Community (PLC) process.

CUSD Framework for PLCs Icons and Images

CUSD Professional Learning Committee Implementation Plan

PLC Implementation Plan.pdf

CUSD PLC Warehouse Resources

What is your Professional Learning Community team's next step on the Plan, Do, Study, Act cycle of continuous improvement?

You can use the Critical Steps for a Successful PLC tool or the PLC Framework Self-Assessment to reflect on your team's current progress and next steps.

See more about these resources on the Getting Started and Developing PLC Protocols tabs.

Next, work collaboratively with your instructional leaders (Principals and site lead learners) to implement the Plan Do Study Act cycle of continuous improvement at your school site. Resources and tools to support implementation of this PLC cycle are provided on this CUSD PLC Warehouse website.