Oak Grove
All-Star News
Important Dates
2/24-28 - Literacy Week
3/3-3/6 - Parent/Teacher Conferences & MINIMUM Days
3/11 - Spring Picture Day
3/20-3/28 - Book Fair [3/20: Donuts with Grown-ups]
3/27 - Open House & Extra Early Dismissal
3/27 - New Student School Tour @ 2pm
Remember to bookmark this page! Our All-Star News will be updated weekly on this link:
You can always access prior weeks on the top right corner.
oak grove run club
Join Oak Grove Run Club by March 1st and run the final mile down at the fairgrounds! Join in our 10 week program run by our Oak Grove PE teachers. Those who sign up will receive 1 entry into the in person or virtual kids race and Official Kids Run t-shirt, medal, and timed race results. Follow this link to our school sign up page! http://bit.ly/3WZ8ISB
Parent/Teacher conferences
& minimum day schedule
Parent/Teacher Conferences are happening Monday, 3/3 – Thursday, 3/6! Please note the MINIMUM DAY schedule for all students:
📌 TK: 7:45 AM – 11:20 AM
📌 Kinder: 7:45 AM – 12:05 PM
📌 Grades 1-5: 7:45 AM – 12:15 PM
Make sure to attend your scheduled conference and stay informed about your child’s progress. Thank you for your support!
school of choice window
School of Choice for 2025-2026 is OPEN – and will be closing on March 2, 2025 at 11:59 PM.
Capistrano Unified School District's School of Choice program offers parents within the CUSD boundaries the opportunity to apply for another CUSD school that they would like their child to attend.
If you are interested in having your student attend a CUSD school for next school year, that you are not zoned for, you have to complete a School of Choice application during the window. This includes students who are transitioning to the next school level, elementary to middle school or middle school to high school and wish to request another school other than your School of Residence.
For more information, please visit the School of Choice website using the link below.
Application Window: February 3, 2025 to March 2, 2025
Notifications: Notification emails should be sent by April 11, 2025
Website: School of Choice
Parking lot etiquette
Please review our parking lot etiquette on our website: Oak Grove Parking Lot Etiquette
Key Reminders:
Parking spaces in the parking lot are for staff only. If you need to park, please find a parking space on the street.
Arrive promptly during the designated drop-off and pick-up times. Early or late arrivals can cause unnecessary congestion and delays.
Please adhere to the marked traffic patterns and follow the directions of the traffic flow.
Food and Nutrition
We’re excited to celebrate National School Breakfast Week from March 3-7 with new breakfast entrées! This year’s theme is “Clue In to School Breakfast” - be on the lookout for delicious new options. Plenty of green fruits and vegetables will be featured throughout the month as we celebrate March holidays. For nutrition information and allergens, visit our interactive menus at capistrano.healtheliving.net.
Absence Calls
Don't forget to notify us when your student is absent:
949-360-9001 [main line, option 2]
(949) 643-0244 (attendance)
We must verify the reason for all absences within 72 hours or your student will be marked unexcused. Thank you!
E-Bicycle/Bicycle Safety
Reminder that if you ride an e-bicycle or bicycle to school, you must receive a permit by completing the application here:
CUSD E-Bicycle/Bicycle Districtwide Safety Program
Please review our guidelines here: CUSD E-Bicycle/Bicycle Safety Introduction
Spanish Versions:
Oak Grove Elementary School
22705 Sanborn
Aliso Viejo, CA