Professional Development

The following free training opportunities are available upon district request 

Tier 1 AT Process Training

This interactive full-day training session will provide an overview of topics through the lens of Assistive Technology. Participants will gain the following knowledge and skills from this training:

Tier 2 AT Process Training

This interactive, full day training will focus on the beginning steps to target student needs and identify barriers that require further supports and strategies. 

The following topics will be covered:

Please note that it is recommended to have Tier 1 AT Process Training before taking this session.

Tier 3 AT Process Training

This interactive, full day training will focus on developing a system for the delivery of individual AT services within a district. This training is designed to be attended by a district team.  It can, however, be attended by individuals who want to learn about the topics covered.

What will be covered?

Please note that it is recommended to have Tier 1 & Tier 2 AT Process Training before taking this session.

Driving AAC Decisions

The road to selecting and implementing an AAC system for a student can have some twists and turns. Sometimes, it’s difficult for educational staff to know how to get started. Sometimes, it’s difficult for educational staff to know if they are headed in the right direction. Please join us for a full day of steering through each decision point on a winding exploration of the AAC process. 

Using Core Vocabulary

This interactive, full day training will focus on the importance of using Core Vocabulary when setting up the special education classroom and curriculum. It will provide opportunities to use core vocabulary and learn how to introduce new words to the learner with fun, individual and group activities. 

AT Options for Communication

This interactive, full day training will focus on no tech, low tech and high tech tools that can be used for communication in the classroom. Participants will learn what factors are important in choosing and implementing a communication system with a new learner. There will be a variety of tools available and time allotted to get some hands on experience. 

AT Options for Academics

Assistive Technology (AT) isn't just communication devices. AT tools can be used to help learners access and participate in the general education curriculum. AT can be utilized to support learners struggling in all academic content areas, as well as learners who need tools to aid in the executive functions needed for full participation in the curriculum. This session will provide a wide variety of tools including no-tech, low-tech, and high-tech, to help learners who struggle with academics. 

CAIU has a NEW Professional Development System

The CAIU has discontinued use of 48 CARATS. In its place, it has set up a system in Frontline. In order to find professional development opportunities, you must create an account. Please see the information below. 

Please contact Geri Schaffer with questions about any of these training opportunities.