LS Guidelines

THREE GUIDELINES: A Positive and Sensible Approach to Classroom Management

LS Guidelines:

  • Implementation of a uniform approach to character development and behavior using three basic concepts that guide all we do as a Lower School Community:

1. Be respectful

2. Make smart choices

3. Be a great friend

  • Each class will discuss and examine what each of these guidelines looks like for their grade to be both age-appropriate and effective.

Classroom Management Tools:

  1. Mystery Motivators: positive, motivational

  2. Movement Minutes: active breaks to keep students energized and engaged

  3. Redirect Privately: protect each student’s dignity

Redirection Strategies:

  1. Clear expectations & modeling of behavior

  2. Logical and timely consequences (not recess, perhaps private conversation or opportunity to regroup and return)

  3. Praise publicly

Home/School Partnership

  • Optimal learning occurs when student, parents, and teacher are all communicating openly on a consistent basis.

  • Ways to communicate: meetings, email, phone calls, CFA and teacher websites.