Computers 1

Post date: 5/4/20


I want you to know that the collaborative story assignment is going to be our last project for the year. Once you are done with it please select the turn in button that way I know you are done. I would like it if you could have the project done by 5/25/20 that way I have time to grade your project. After you have completed that please use the remaining time of the year going into EduTyping and practice your typing skills. Remember that your goal for the end of the year is 30 WPM.

Please email me if you have any questions.


Mrs. Fox

Post date: 4/15/20

You may not be able to go out and explore so take a virtual field trip to some of our national parks.

This is just for fun it is not required.

Post date: 4/1/20

Remember you have technology class for 45 minutes a day. This is about the amount of time I would like you in the following two assignments.

(No due date yet we will see how far you are on this at the end of the week)

  1. Collaborative Story- Google Classroom- You and your partner need to be online working on this together at the same time. This will require you to email each other to set up times that work for both of you.
  2. Edutyping- I will be pulling weekly reports to make sure you are trying to meet your typing goal. If you have met the goal I still want you in Edutyping for at least 20 minutes a week.

This is like a pick a plot story that the student will be writing, please continue to work on this. The requirements are in Google classroom. It is a partner project so you will need to colorabate online. This will require you to schedule a time that both you and your partner can be online and work on the project together.

The best way to contact me will be through email.

Please let me know if you have any trouble or if you have any questions! I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible.

Stay happy and healthy!