3D Studio Classes

Artwork on this page was created in the following classes:

Ceramics, Sculpture, Jewelry & Fiber Arts, Design Build 3D

Please note: Recent submissions will be added to the top of the gallery page.

E. Yeaton - Sculpture

K. Lavoie - Sculpture

G. Ofonagoro - Sculpture

D. Tambi - Design Build

M. Arugollu - Design Build

E. Kelly - Design Build

M. Thomas - Design Build

W. Gefteas - Design Build

L. Shea - Design Build

J. Hernon - Design Build

D. Nguyen - Design Build

G. Rugerri - Design Build

J. Albert - Design Build

A. French - Design Build

R. Connerney - Design Build

O. Donovan - Sculpture

L. Salvant - Scultpure

A. Deshmukh - Sculpture

J. Morgan -Sculpture

C. Sarkis - Jewelry & Fiber Arts

M. LaBelle - Jewelry/Fiber Arts

L. Falcone - Jewelry/Fiber Arts

E. Berardi -Jewelry/Fiber Arts

T. Khoury - Jewelry & Fiber Arts

S. TabassumAsmi - Jewelry/Fiber Arts

R. Giglio - Jewelry & Fiber Arts

E. Bohane - Jewelry & Fiber Arts

F. Nelson - Jewelry & Fiber Arts

R. Giglio - Jewelry & Fiber Arts

S. TabassumAsmi - Jewelry & Fiber Arts

M. Rosseau - Jewelry & Fiber Arts

R. Mullen - Jewelry & Fiber Arts

A. Deshmukh - Sculpture

E. Praik - Sculpture

J. Morgan - Sculpture

M. Winkler - Sculpture

T. Khoury - Jewelry & Fiber Arts

T. Claiborne - Jewelry & Fiber Arts

S. Malloy - Jewelry & Fiber Arts

G. McMahon - Sculpture

P. Robinson - Sculpture

C. Sarkis - Sculpture

F. Nelson - Sculpture

J. Morgan - Sculpture

A. Deshmukh-Sculpture

T. Claiborne-Jewelry/Fiber Arts

S. Malloy - Jewelry/Fiber Arts

M.Rousseau-Jewelry/Fiber Arts

R. Norton - Jewelry/Fiber Arts

L. Lee - Jewelry/Fiber Arts

J. Vo - Jewelry/Fiber Arts

S. Carr - Jewelry/Fiber Arts

A. Metsika - Jewelry/Fiber Arts

R. Miller - Jewelry/Fiber Arts

C. Durand - Jewelry/Fiber Arts

L. Colburn - Jewelry/Fiber Arts

N. Brooks - Sculpture

L. Miranda - Sculpture

Students are Saying...

"Art class is important to me this year because, I get to express myself through something fun! Especially during these times I can have time during the day to take a break from academics and have a good time and be creative." - Regan

"I think that making art is important this year because it is a way to clear your mind. Due to everything that is going on right now it is a good way to express yourself using your imagination and your creativity skills." - Sean

J. Boiteux - Sculpture

J. Wright - Sculpture

J. Sithivong - Jewelry & Fiber Arts

S. Abbott - Jewelry & Fiber Arts

G. McMahon - Jewelry & Fiber Arts

R. Miller - Jewelry & Fiber Arts

C. Durand - Jewelry & Fiber Arts

K. Murphy - Jewelry & Fiber Arts

S. Carr - Jewelry & Fiber Arts

O. Durham - Jewelry & Fiber Arts

N. Desjardins - Jewelry & Fiber Arts

R. Norton - Jewelry & Fiber Arts

E. Truong - Jewelry & Fiber Arts

L. Lee - Jewelry & Fiber Arts

Z. Bonilla - Sculpture

C. Sarkis - Sculpture


L. Miranda - Sculpture

E. Beatty - Sculpture

S. Welch - Sculpture

D. Coyne - Sculpture

L. Cepeda - Sculpture

M. Yeaton - Sculpture

Z. Bonilla - Sculpture

S. Welch - Sculpture

J. Beaumeester - Sculpture

R. Richards - Sculpture

T. Nguyen - Sculpture

C. Davis - Sculpture

J. Beaumeester - Sculpture