Attendance Procedures



The purpose of the Attendance Procedures is to prioritize student attendance. At Canton High School, we believe that learning is an ongoing process that requires daily interaction of students with their teachers and peers. Canton High School strives to build a community of learners, and this community is hindered when students are absent. Parents and guardians are partners with the school in assuring that students have consistent attendance and arrive at school and to class on time. 


Parents or guardians are required to call in all absences to the office at 781-821-5050 ext. 1 or 2050 in advance and no later than the morning of the absence. However, this notification does not excuse an absence. It simply notifies the school that a parent or guardian is aware of the absence. If an extended absence is anticipated, students or parents/guardians should contact the appropriate school counselor or assistant principal.

Absence Limits: Canton High School has established an “absence limit” for every student. We recognize that students will occasionally confront personal and family concerns that make attendance at school difficult. The absence limit is meant to recognize this while also continuing to prioritize school attendance. The expectation is that students not exceed 8 absences (full day or individual classes) in a single term. 

All student absences from school and/or class will count toward the absence limit with the following exceptions:

Students and their families should make every effort to use absences judiciously. All student absences that accumulate toward a student’s absence limit will be coded as Absent (A) in the school’s daily attendance or Truant (Tr) in the case of truancy. 

We encourage direct and open communication between CHS and families to ensure a clear understanding of the attendance procedures. In an effort to promote proactive and direct communication, CHS will notify families when their child reaches 4 absences in a single term through direct messaging (phone and email). Supports/interventions can be discussed at that time as well, and to ensure students remain within the absence limits for each term. 

Suspensions are not considered absences from school and therefore will not count toward a student’s absence limit. Within a reasonable timeframe, when a student returns from suspension, to exceed no more than the length of the suspension, students have the ability to complete and make up all work that is missed for full credit.

If students miss 15 minutes or more of any class, without the teacher’s permission, they will be marked as absent for that class, and that absence will count toward the student’s absence limit in that class. Students who skip a class, or miss more than 15 minutes of a class without teacher permission, will be subject to consequences in accordance with the Code of Conduct. There may also be academic consequences for skipping class; students may not be permitted to make up work missed during the period of class skipped. This includes tests and quizzes.

Students who skip class may be prohibited from participating in after-school activities (including athletics) on the day of the class they skip. 

Attendance and Course Credit

With the understanding that excessive absences impact a student’s ability to extract the full potential of the curriculum, instruction, and assessment offered in a particular course, students who have excessive absences in a course will not receive credit for that course.

Students who exceed their absence limit in a single semester for a particular course will have their credit withheld in that course. Credit will be withheld when a student reaches 16 absences in a semester (class by class, not just full-day absences). 

Credit Recovery

Attendance and Extracurricular Participation

Students may not participate in extracurricular or after-school activities, to include athletics, if:

Attendance and Externship Participation

Students selected to participate in the Senior Externship must maintain good attendance throughout the school year. Students who exceed the absence limit in Semester 1 or Term 3 may not be eligible to participate. 

This means that in full-year classes students cannot exceed 16 absences in Semester 1 or 8 absences in Term 3 in order to remain in good standing and be eligible to participate. In Semester 2 classes, students cannot exceed 8 absences in Term 3.

Absences and Make-up Work

Tardy to School  

Tardy to Class

Early Dismissal from School


A student will be considered truant for the day when the student is absent from school without parental verification. Absences due to truancy will count against a student’s absence limit. Students may not be permitted to make-up any work missed during the period of truancy.

Appeal Process

The purpose of the Canton High School Attendance Policy is to prioritize student attendance and minimize confusion and misunderstanding that could potentially enable poor attendance. The school faculty is aware that unforeseen circumstances, beyond a student’s control, can impact attendance, and could possibly lead a student to accumulate absences that exceed the specified limit. The school has established an appeals process that students and their parents or guardians may consider if a student accumulates excessive absences beyond the absence limit. Students and their parents or guardians may consider an appeal if they believe the school should excuse absences that exceed the absence limit. 

Ending the School Year Early

Because of our interest in the educational progress of each Canton High School student, all students are expected to complete the entire school year. 

All summer activities or plans must be arranged after the final posted school day, which includes the 5 possible weather-related extension days. Exceptions to this expectation must have the approval of the principal.