Athletics and Student Activities 

Daily Attendance Requirements for Participation (contained in CHS Attendance Procedures)

Students may not participate in extracurricular or after-school activities, including athletics, if:

Eligibility Requirements for Athletics and Extra-Curricular Activities

Canton High School’s academic eligibility standards are designed to ensure that students are fully enrolled in school and actively engaged in their course on a consistent basis throughout the school year. These standards apply to all Athletic and Extracurricular Activities at CHS. This includes student clubs/organizations, music, theatre, and interscholastic organizations. 

Fall Sports Eligibility (1st marking period)

Final Course grades from the previous academic year will be used to determine eligibility during the 1st quarter of the following year. This is for students entering grades 10-12 or students repeating 9th grade.

If a student fails more than two semester courses (first or second semester) or more than one full-year course they will not be eligible for Term 1 (fall season) participation. 

Eligibility during 2nd, 3rd, and 4th marking period (Winter and Spring seasons)

Students can receive no more than one failing grade (F) and remain eligible for athletics and/or extracurricular activities.  

Eligibility is based on grades from the marking period preceding the activity (e.g.- 2nd quarter grades will determine a student’s eligibility during the 3rd quarter.)