Canterbury FTC Robotics Team
Welcome to the Canterbury High School FTC Robotics Site!
What is this competition about?
Students design and build a robot to compete both with and against other teams. We will also create an engineering notebook and have some outreach events / social media presence.
Link to our official FTC team summary
Link to 2022-23 Engineering Notebook 2023-24 Engineering Notebook
When do we meet?
Throughout the year, we are meeting on Wednesdays and Thursdays after school (3:20-6:00pm), and during lunch on Thursdays. We add more dates/times as students are available and as the season progresses.
1st Place Innovate Award, 3rd Tournament, 2025
1st Place Motivate Award, 2024 (left)
1st Place Motivate Award, 1st Tournament, 2025 (above)
2nd Place Innovate Award, 2nd Tournament, 2025
The Motivate Award - This team embraces the culture of FIRST and clearly shows what it means to be a team. This judged award celebrates the team that represents the essence of the FIRST Tech Challenge competition through Gracious Professionalism® and general enthusiasm for the overall philosophy of FIRST and what it means to be a FIRST Tech Challenge team. This is a team who makes a collective effort to make FIRST known throughout their school and community, and sparks others to embrace the culture of FIRST.
The Innovate Award recognizes an effective and well documented design process for a novel aspect of the team's robot design or gameplay strategy
FIRST FTC INDIANA and Other Event Info 2023-24 Season:
9/7/24 Saturday -9:00am-3pm - FTC Kickoff Event @ GEARS, South Bend, IN
This is where we learn about the new game! Not required but fun and sometimes has give-aways.
This is where we can take short classes about how to build, program, present, write our engineering notebook, etc. Not required but super fun! I am not able to go though, so you would have to get yourself there.
Students will register themselves but I will have a van available for anyone who needs a ride. The event is sponsored by the Purdue Student Engineering Foundation and has speakers and challenges for students to complete. This year's theme is Biomedical Engineering/ Environmental Sustainability.
This is our main competition season and each tournament will have its own set of awards and winners. We will go through interviews with our engineering notebook as well as having our robot compete on the field. If we do well, we might qualify for the state tournament.
12/7/24 - Saturday - Tournament 1 - Perry Meridian HS, Indianapolis - We will leave from the Canterbury Smith Campus parking lot at 6am, and probably return by 7pm.
1/26/25 - Sunday - Tournament 2 - Battle Ground MS, West Lafayette - we will have a school van for this tournament.
2/22/25 - Saturday - Tournament 3 - Avon HS, Avon, IN - We will have a school van for this tournament. We will leave at 6am and return around 8pm.
2023-24 Season Opener: Avon High School Scrimmage!
So much hard work goes into a season of robotics!
Outreach and Volunteering:
5/18/24 Saturday - Robotics Demo - 9:45-1pm @ Science Central We will demo the robot for Science Central visitors. It is Bee Weekend so if you have any bee-related gear, fee free to bring that, otherwise robotics and/or Canterbury gear please. Counts for Volunteer Hours!
8/19 Monday 6-8pm - New student Club Fair
9/20 - Friday - 12-3pm, Canterbury Covington Campus - CAVS CLUB DAY - Show younger students the robots on your day off! Service hours.
10/31 - Halloween Trick-or-Treating at school - Best Costume Contest! Help dress up Winston or another one of our robots, visit classrooms and students, and celebrate Fall
11/9/24 Saturday - 6:30am-7pm - APEX Engineering Day - Purdue W. Lafayette, IN - The event has speakers and challenges and focuses on Biomedical Engineering/ Environmental Sustainability.
11/12/24 Tuesday - 3:30-6pm - After School Program Demo - Bridge of Grace Ministries, Ft. Wayne, IN - We will demo the robot and share our knowledge with K-3 students at an after school program for the local public school.
12/14/24 Saturday - 8am-6pm Volunteer @ FLL Tournament Purdue Ft. Wayne, You don't have to be there for the whole thing, whenever you are there you can help out though. This counts for service hours. FLL is the middle school version of our robotics program. You will need to provide your own transportation.
FIRST Robotics @ IN Statehouse We will present robotics and its important to legislators, tour the Indiana Statehouse, and promote robotics.
2/12/25 Wednesday - School Day - Field Trip to Medical Informatics Engineering
2/4/25 Tuesday - School day - Science Fair Judging @ Canterbury Elementary School
2/20/25 Thursday Tools and Treats - 5:30-7:30 @ Canterbury Elementary School Robotics volunteers will assist K-4 in a maker space where they have fun building things. Volunteer hours count!
3/6/25 Thursday Young Scientist Night - 5-8pm @ Canterbury Elementary School Robotics volunteers will assist K-4 students at robotics stations - games, a build, some research, etc. Volunteer hours!
Fundraiser for Chipotle from 4-8pm We will stand at the doors after school and hand out coupons for people to use at Chipotle. We will also promote this on Social Media and hand out coupons to everyone at school that day. If you can, please consider eating order at the local Chipotle between 4 and 8pm. Online and delivery orders won't count.
We will visit the elementary and middle schools with the robot when the competition season is finished.
If there are other ways we can promote robotics and demonstrate our robot in the community, let me know! These outreach opportunities help our score as well as help promote robotics.
Science Central - Apr '23
The kids were cute
We had fun
General Information from the national FIRST website
General Information from Indiana State FIRST website, including the schedule for the year as soon as it is announced
This Year's Game rules, animated (this is 2024-25 - next year's will be announced on in September)
A real life example of an FTC match
FIRST Scholarships are listed here. There is a lot of $ available for seniors so take a look to see if you qualify.
To Do List
We need to get the old Ceramics room cleaned up enough to work with our electronics.
a. We need to organize our gear, relate that info to all members
b. We need to label things, make Robits Kits in different area from other robotics items
Our Fundraiser will be a Chipotle Give-Back. We need to set this up.
We need to find companies to sponsor us, get them approved by development, and send them letters/emails.
We need to teach new members how to pair the robot and controller.
We need to pick a shirt and do a mass order (include sponsors on the back)
We need to have everyone and their parents sign the Safety Form
We need to teach new members some Java
We need to create a simple TeleOp program as well as an Autonomous mode and BACK THEM UP. Simple so that anyone can add or change something on the fly.
Start engineering portfolio -
share the folder with everyone
everyone write up their own profile.
make a theme for all pages
Look at last year's engineering profile and see what we can use again this year and what we should change.
Make an outline with what we have already.
Divide up the notebook and everyone get to writing their part.
Good tips from the Ref
End of the Scrimmage, AOK
Winston dresses up for Halloween
Teachers are charmed
Winston Trick-or-Treats for candy from Ms. Reelson
Students are surprised, take videos and selfies
Winston enters the Halloween costume contest - In the front office, Division Head Nicole Justice considers his creativity.
Canterbury High School
3210 Smith Road
Fort Wayne IN 46804
Office: 260-436-0746