Washington Bear Bulletin

In the next couple of weeks students throughout the school will be working on learning the 7 skills and 7 traits that we believe will help students be successful today, tomorrow, and beyond. Our district Student Empowered Learning Framework (pictured above) does a great job of defining each one.
Skills & Traits in Action
Mr. Ford's 1st grade students did a fantastic job of demonstrating many of our skills and traits throughout those first two days. Being adaptive to new environments shows agility, introducing yourself and listening to others demonstrates communication skills, creating class rules together clearly models collaboration, and using what they learned from Kindergarten to now apply it to 1st grade demonstrates their knowledge. Well done!
Important Health Tech Info
All prescription and non-prescription medication given in school settings require a written authorization from your health care provider with prescriptive authority, as well as parent written consent. If you would like your child to receive medication while at school, the following three conditions must be met:
The health care provider with prescriptive authority must fill out a Medication Administration authorization form and/ or Individual Health Care Plan. The authorization must match exactly what the prescription label states. You can get the appropriate forms from the health technician or nurse at your child’s school.
The prescription medication must be brought to school in an original container with the pharmacy label. The pharmacy label must match exactly what the authorization form/ Health care Plan states. A non-prescription medication must be brought to school in the original container, sealed in original packaging with directions for use, expiration date, list of ingredients, the child’s name, and prescribing entity and may not be experimental or non-FDA approved such as vitamins or supplements..
The parent must give written permission for the medication to be given. The easiest way to do this is to sign the Medication Administration authorization form and/ or the Individual Health Care Plan. Medications cannot be accepted at school without the above forms in completion.
These conditions meet the requirements of the State of Colorado, as well as the medication policy of Canon City Schools, and are designed to ensure the greatest safety for your child. The policy applies to all medications, including inhalers and epipens. We cannot accept or administer any medication (prescription or non-prescription) at school until all of the requirements are met. Of course, as a parent, you are always welcome to come to the school and personally administer medications to your child.
Thank you for your help in regards to medications at school! If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Downey at 719-276-6090.
PBIS Rotations
Last week students rotated through 9 different stations to learn our school-wide common expectations. These expectations will be reinforced by all of the adults in the building. Our expectations all revolve around our universal B.E.A.R.S expectations for students shown under the picture.
*Please make sure your child has headphones. Also, please double check that your technology fee is paid through parent portal or with a check or cash in the office. Please contact the office with any questions at 719-276-6092.
Mrs. Laughlin is our Gifted and Talented Teacher again this year. She also supports CCMS, so she is only at Washington part of the day. Please reach out to her with any questions about the GATE program and/or services for the 23-24 school year.
Save the Date!
Our first PTO meeting is scheduled for September 14th starting at 6:30 in the Cafeteria.
Everyone is welcome and we hope to see you there!