Students of the Month

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Maxine C. - 7th Grade Language Arts

​Maxine is a kind, respectful, and mature student who values her strong bonds of friendship. She shows compassion towards all of her fellow students and is willing to help anyone who needs it. She can be very shy, has a great sense of humor, and shares especially great insights into many subjects. She works diligently in all of her classes demonstrating her true grit.

Mrs. Davidson

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Jackson L. - 8th Grade Science

Jackson has done a great job with this new learning situation we are all experiencing. He brightens up my day during my Google Hangouts and has been doing a lot science-y type things around his house with his family. I am happy that he and his family are taking this time to learn more about the world around us. I miss having you in class and I will see you around in the not too distant future.

Thanks Jackson.

Mr. Grabau

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Chris R. - 6th Grade Science

My Darling Chris,

You simply amaze me! Your spirit shines through in all that you do. You do not let anything get in your way. Man, you sure have some grit! I love your heart. You are so kind to others and that is one of the most important traits a person can possess. I love that you never give up and put your all into everything you attempt. Most of all though, I love your sense of humor and sass! You can always cheer me up just by being you! You have a beautiful soul and I know you will go far in life! I cannot wait to see all that you accomplish in life.

Congratulations my love!


Mrs. Browning

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Lilliana J. - 7th Grade Band

My pick for student of the month is Lilliana J. The first reason I chose Lilli was for her ability to overcome adversity during this time of digital learning. She was on top of making sure all of her materials were ready and never hesitated to reach out for assistance. Secondly, she plays multiple instruments when in our normal band setting and instead of just playing her assigned instrument she challenged herself by preparing on both. Finally, she has found opportunities to extend her learning by sharing current and previous musical experiences. Way to go Lilli!

Outstanding job making the best of our new way of learning!

Mrs. Richardson

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Drake P. - 7th Grade Science

Drake P. is an all-around good person. He is polite, responsible and hard-working. He has excelled this year, both in the classroom and in online learning. When he is confused, he is not afraid to ask questions and he is always willing to lend a helping hand to others. Not only is Drake awesome in school, but people just like him! He has a great sense of humor and is always willing to have fun. It has truly been an honor to have him in class this year!!

Mrs. Day

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Cody C. - 8th Grade Literacy

I am very happy to have you in my class. You are always willing to participate in class, by sharing your thoughts and ideas. You have a GREAT sense of humor, you take ownership for your actions, and are a hard worker whose work ethic will take you far in life. Keep on being you!

Mr. Michels

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Sophia L. - 6th Grade Language Arts

Congratulations on being nominated for Language Arts Student of the Month Sophia! I chose you because of your awesome kindness! Not only are you a great student academically, but I most appreciate your reaching out to others quality, that sets you apart from everyone else. Let me illustrate what I mean. I've observed you in the hallway reaching out to new students numerous times. It is so difficult to transfer to a new school after it has already started and be the "new kid". You are so natural at checking in with these kids and offering to help them or sit with them at lunch. I also know that you've been chosen to show new students around the building. So I'm not the only one who has noticed this skill! Keep on treating others this way and the sky's the limit! There is no doubt in my mind that you will have a happy successful life!

Congratulations Sophia!

Mrs. Jones

Kallani H. - 8th grade Language Arts

Kallani is one of the most dedicated students I have had the pleasure of working with. Regardless of what she encounters, she never misses a beat and continues to amaze me with her joyous personality, humor, and ability to have her work shine with perfection. Kallani is one of those students that I will remember and treasure for years to come. I am so proud of this young lady, there is nothing she can't accomplish.

Mrs. Price

Conrad R. - 8th Grade Life Skills

I may be the luckiest teacher on the planet, I have so many students who are just amazing and it is so hard to pick one to share this honor. Thank you to all the parents who share their children with us at Canon City Middle School! This quarter I selected Conrad Rosenbaum as my student to celebrate today.

Conrad is a role model in my room both virtually and physically, he works and things best on his feet which is conducive to his creative thinking processes. I am excited to see where his future will take him, as he continues to investigate and explore life through hands-on meaningful learning! He is helpful and compassionate to his classmates, always offering suggestions or assistance. I love the way he seeks balance in his design process, everything finds a perfect place in the work he creates for my class with a touch of humor.

Even now as we work to finish school virtually, I can count on him to make me smile. I am always greeted by a happy voice full of questions, and excited to try something new. He is nearly singular in his communication style, which is consistently polite and appropriately adult. I can imagine him being an engineer bringing clean water to remote parts of the world. He might be a motivational speaker, thinking on his feet and getting others on there's leading through laughter! He may be the president of the US one day, or really achieve what we haven't world peace, cures for disease, or creating a way for every child who wants a teacher and needs a classroom to have one.

Thank you so much, Conrad, for your strength, for boldly carving your own path, and for being your own person! I am especially proud of your standard to be the leader we hope for in every Falcon. I am, so glad, to have the privilege of knowing you this year and I sure miss you!

Mrs. Miles