Goal Setting & Mindfulness


Introduction to SMART Goal Setting!

We have put together a page of resources and videos to help you stay focused and on task during this challenging time.


Your attitude greatly affects your goals and their outcomes! Below you will find the "Attitude Statement," and inspirational videos to help motivate your positive attitude.


Attitude StatEment

Hunt your Dreams

Encourage the Heart

SMART GOALs workshop

SMART GOAL Definitions





SMART - Goals Setting Form

Smart Goals template

Once you have watched the videos above, use this form to create your first SMART academic goal.

Short & Long Term Goal Setting

Short term & Long Term Goals

Please complete this document. This will help you look at your SMART Goals as it relates to your Short Term Goals and Long Term aspirations.

Taking Action with Jack Canfield

Taking Action

“It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well have not lived at all.” – J.K. Rowling



Inspirational Quotes
Quotes to Inspire Leadership by Coach John Wooden

Mindfulness Resources

Below are resources that can help calm your mind to gain focus on the areas of your life that are most important to you. A calm and clear mind will allow you to take note of the things in your life that are most important to you. Goals that have an important meaning, and are fully thought through, are more likely to be accomplished.


Creating systems to help you accomplish your goals is critical as you move forward. If you are not taking consistent action towards the achievement of your goals often those goals will fail to be realized.

The tools and articles below are only a few examples that can be used to help you select and create systems that work for you. A system that works with your individual style will allow you to follow through with, and achieve your goals.

Tools are just that, and we have offered a wide variety of systems so that you can choose one that works best for you.


Creating Your own Vision Statement

A Vision Statement is a great way to bring together all of your goals, and will help you to organize your thoughts, and align your goals with the areas of you life that are most important to you.

Please check out the documents and graphics below about creating your own personal vision statement. Once you have read the document "Creating a Personalized Vision Statement", take a few moments to think about, create, and write down your "Personalized Vision Statement" to help guide you through the goal setting process.

It is important that you write down and store your vision statement in an easily accessible place so you refer back to it often. I recommend creating a goal-setting journal, binder, or diary to help keep track of your goal setting journey.

Creating a Vision Statement
Personal Vision Factors.jpg