Imagem: BNL, L. 321: de Alonso de Alcalá y Herrera (1599-1682) in: Álvaro Ferreira de Vera. Ortographia, ou modo para escrever certo na língua portuguesa. Lisboa: Mathias Rodriguez, 1631, f. 17.

29/10/2019 11/11/2019

29 de outubro de 2019, 16h30.

Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa

Biblioteca – sala B2

Notes in the Margins. Incorporating Samuel Beckett's Library into a Digital Genetic Edition of his Works.

When authors write, they are invariably influenced by their own reading experiences. In more concrete terms, they may for example make references and allusions to works that were written before; they may mimic, satirize, or resist the style of authors they have read; etc. That is why the author's interaction with their source materials (what Raymonde Debray-Genette coined as "exogenesis" in 1979) form a crucial aspect of our analysis when we develop a genetic edition of an author's works – an edition, that is, that studies the author's writing process. And it is this interaction that often becomes visible in the margins of the books in the author's personal library. After introducing the topic of genetic criticism in general (and of exogenesis in particular), Wout Dillen will use the Beckett Digital Manuscript Project as a case study to demonstrate how certain aspects of an author's reading may be reconstructed in the form of a digital library, and how linking these reading traces to the author's writing process may help us refine our understanding of the author's works.


Foto: Wout Dillen / Fotógrafo: Kristians Luhaers

Wout Dillen (University of Antwerp)

Wout Dillen holds a PhD in Literature with a focus on text encoding and digital scholarly editing from the University of Antwerp. From 2016 to 2017, Wout held a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Experienced Research Fellowship in the Digital Scholarly Editions Initial Training Network (DiXiT ITN) at the University of Borås, Sweden. Since 2016 he has been the Coordinator of platformDH and the Coordinator of the University of Antwerp’s contribution to DARIAH-Flanders. He currently serves as the Secretary of the European Society of Textual Scholarship (ESTS), and is the General Editor of its journal Variants. He is also a member of the Steering Committee of the DH Benelux, and a co-editor of the DH Benelux Journal.