Alain Kihm

Researcher of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS).

Research interests:

  • Creolization, language emergence, linguistic change and variation
  • Flexional morphology ("Paradigm Function Morphology" approach), based on data from Creole languages (Portuguese Creole from Guinea-Bissau, Haitian, Kinubi, etc.), West Atlantic (Manjaku, Wolof ), Afroasiatic (Arabic, Coptic), Indo-European (Romance languages, Slavic, Lithuanian) and Mesoamerican (mazatec).

Alan Baxter

A. Baxter is the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of São José, Macau. He is the has taught at La Trobe University, University of Lisbon, University of Macau, Flinders University of South Australia and the Federal University of Bahia (Brazil).

Research interests:

  • Sociolinguistics
  • Language Contact
  • Language Acquisition

Clancy Clements

Professor (Emeritus) of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese and of the Department of Linguistics of the Indiana University, Bloomington.

Research interests:

  • Contact Linguistics
  • Pidgins and Creoles
  • Sociolinguistics
  • Lexical Semantics
  • Functional Syntax
  • Morphology

Dulce Pereira

Lecturer of the University of Lisbon, School of Arts and Humanities (Department of General Linguistics and Romance languages). Research collaborator of CELGA-ILTEC (University of Coimbra).

Research interests:

  • Portuguese-lexically based creoles and Cape Verdean language
  • General linguistics
  • Language planning
  • Sociolinguistics

Ian Smith

Professor Emeritus of the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics of the University of York.

Research interests:

  • Language contact, especially Pidgins & Creoles and contact-induced change
  • Historical linguistics
  • South Asian linguistics
  • Australian Linguistics
  • English Linguistics
  • Phonetics

Jean-Louis Rougé

Depuis 2003: Université d'Orléans. Département des Sciences du Langage

1993-1999 : Centre d'Appui à l'Enseignement du Français Praia (Cape Verde)

1987-1993 : Coordinator fo the project "enseignement du français" and Centre d'enseignement du français São Tomé (São Tomé et Principe)

1979-1987: Centre Culturel Français de Bissau - Guinée Bissau

Research interests:

  • Languages in contact and emergence of new languages varieties
  • Histoire des créoles portugais d'Afrique. Lexicographie des créoles portugais d'Afrique
  • Langues et migrations

Jürgen Lang

Until 2009, Professor of the Institute of Romance Studies of the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg.

Research interests:

  • Grammar (French, Spanish, Creole)
  • Pragmatics (speech acts, phonetics, theoretical and applied grammar
  • Iberian history of language (especially fo Spanish and Portuguese until the end of the Middle Age)
  • Creoles (theory of creolization, description of contemporary Cape Verdean Creole, and history and origins of the Cape Verdean Creole)

Mauro Fernández

Full Professor of Linguistics of the University of A Coruña.

Research interests:

  • Language contact
  • Bilingualism
  • Sociolinguistics
  • Spanish-based creoles

Philippe Maurer

Professor of the University of Zurich.

Research interests:

  • Creole linguistics (Papiamento, Angolar, Principense, Fa d'Ambô, and Tugu/Batavia)
  • Descriptive studies of Ibero-Romance-based Creoles
  • “Romansh”