Interesting Stuff

Favorite Quotes

"We can't go back and make a new beginning, but we can start over and make a new end." Ayrton Senna

"True merit is like a river, the deeper, the less noise it makes." Unknown

"Don't live for that your presence is noticed, but for that your absence is felt." Bob Marley

"Everything is bold to those who dare nothing." Fernando Pessoa

"Life is a dream and death is the awakening." Unknown

"There is no comparison between what's lost by failing and what's lost for not trying." Francis Bacon

"Values are like fingerprints. Nobody has the same, but you leave them all over everything you do." Elvis Presley

"Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

"It's the silence between the notes that makes the music." Unknown

"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination." Albert Einstein

Geek Stuff

Automatic SSH Login

  1. ssh-keygen -t dsa

  2. ssh-copy-id user@host

Now you can login using ssh user@host without requiring password.

Interesting Resources

  • jsFiddle - A playground for web developers. Can be used as an online editor for HTML, CSS and JavaScript

  • Closure Compiler - A tool, from Google, for making JavaScript download and run faster. It can reduce the size of your JavaScript files and make them more efficient

  • Lorem Pixel - Here you can find placeholder images for every situation with various sizes

  • Prezi - Lets you make some nice zooming presentations

  • - Offers a collection of online Internet utilities like traceroute, ping, domain check, nslookup and more

  • Bitbucket - A free Mecurial (Hg) and Git hosting service. Lets you have some private repositories

  • Assembla - Offers free SVN and Git hosting services

  • GitHub - The most used Git hosting service

  • GitHub Gist - A simple and cool way to share snippets of code with others. Each gist is a git repository so it's versioned and forkable

  • Detexify - A LaTeX symbol classifier. If you don't remember a LaTeX symbol, just draw it and a set of similar symbols will appear with its corresponding LaTeX syntax

  • Skulpt - An entirely in-browser implementation of Python

  • StackExchange - A network of lots of question and answer sites on diverse topics from software programming to photography and gaming. Almost certainly you will find your answers there

  • geoGreeting - You write a message and it tries to find buildings that look like letters from above and constructs the message with those buildings

  • ASCII Generator - Just another ASCII art generator

  • Downloadpedia - A library of freeware, shareware and commercial software for Windows, Linux and Mac

  • jsLinux - A PC emulator written entirely in JavaScript

  • SCIgen - An automatic CS paper generator. You can generate dummy papers to fool around with your friends

  • Tutorials Point - A site with many tutorials about a lot of things related to programming and web