Kesem Alumni 101

Course 1: Meet 'n Greet

Who's Who in Alumni World

Have you heard the phrase "It takes a village?" Well, in Kesem world, it takes 30+ staff members, thousands of incredible student leaders, and 6,000+ alumni to get the job done. Course 1 teaches you the basics of Kesem staff, volunteers, and Kesem Alumni leadership, and how they can connect YOU back to the Kesem mission. No promises you'll ever be able to figure out everyone's real names once you learn their camp names, but it's a start.

Course 2: Extracurricular Activities

All You Can Do As Kesem Alumni

Aside from just telling young whippersnapper student leaders about how you used to have to walk uphill both ways in the snow to get to Messy Games, Kesem Alumni have a lot to offer. From critical week-of-camp leadership, to local leadership and advocacy, to internships and staff positions, there are plenty of opportunities for Kesem Alumni to continue serve our mission. Course 2 shows you everything you need to know to choose the right Kesem Alumni roles for YOU.

Course 3: Adulting, Kesem Style

Magic Tricks for Resumes, Interviews, and More

What's the difference between being a regular ol' camp counselor and being a Camp Kesem student leader? A little bit of magic, a whole lot of work, and so much more than you could ever capture in a cover letter. We want hiring mangers who see a Kesem resume in their inbox to feel like they've won the lottery. In Course 3, we'll help you highlight your time at Kesem as the incredible professional development experience it truly is, and package it in a way that makes you more marketable.

Course 4: Beyond Bake Sales

Easy Ways to Give Back to Kesem

Feeling a little too old for canning and asking your relatives to give your birthday cash to Kesem, but a little too, um, "student-debt-y" to write that fat personal check to Kesem (that you totally would if you could)? In Course 4, we'll connect you with easy ideas for adult-friendly fundraisers, getting your business on board, and simply advocating in your community- without feeling like you're begging for money. Plus, we'll explain why it's important that YOU, yes you, continue to contribute in whatever way you can.

Finals Week

"Kesem is forever: True or False?" and Other Easy Questions

In the immortal words of the Spice Girls: "Tell us what you want, what you really really want." Your Kesem Alumni opportunities a direct result of the feedback you give, so please take a few minutes to fill out our Annual Alumni Survey.