
The items on this page of our website will be available to PoCC2022 participants through December 31, 2022. Join us on the journey!

Equity Seminar

General Workshop

We'd love your feedback, friend!

Please talk to us about how you experiened our work at this year's annual People of Color Conference (PoCC), sponsored by the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS).

Benefits of Being Outdoors

It is not a surprise that being outdoors is good for our health. It has only been in the last few hundred years of humanity that our lives have been centered indoors. We became humans in the outdoors.

DEIB terms

A committment to shared language supports a collective understanding within our communities

Science terms

A committment to shared language supports a collective understanding within our communities

Applications to Download

    • https://merlin.allaboutbirds.org

    • https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/seek_app

    • https://www.alltrails.com/

Our Publications

from Camille

from Dan

  • A Sense of Place: Teaching Children About the Environment with Picture Books

  • Think Green, Take Action: Books and Activities for Kids

  • "Nature Connection for the Rest of Us"(Ideas for Typical Modern Families)

  • "Quaker Education is Outdoor Education", Quaker School Voices

  • "Play is Serious Business", Narrative Northeast

Recommended Reading

from Camille

  • The Identity-Conscious Educator by Dr. Liza A. Talusan

  • Help Us Begin by Jen Cort, LCSW-C

  • Belonging through a Culture of Dignity by Floyd Cobb, John Krownapple

from Dan

  • At Home on the Earth, Becoming Native to Our Place, A Multicultural Anthology edited by David Landis Barnhill

  • Biomimicry, Innovation Inspired by Nature by Janine M. Benyus

  • The Home Place: Memoirs of a Colored Man’s Love Affair with Nature by J. Drew Lanham