Identification Process
Gifted Identification
All available data will be considered during the initial screening process including, but not limited to:
The information contained in the permanent record.
The total battery score on a nationally-normed, district benchmark assessment must be at or above the 95th percentile. The total battery must reflect scores from reading and math.
Observational data from teachers, parents, and other personnel.
Other district developed criteria.
Further Evaluation
Students meeting the initial screening criteria will be further evaluated by a more expansive application of the criteria above. Students must meet the criteria in at least three of the following four areas:
General Mental Ability- A full-scale IQ score or General Abilities Index of 125 (95%tile) or higher.
Performance- Documented Evidence of exceptional performance (observational checklist, portfolio, Missouri State Assessment (MAP) data
Academic Ability- district benchmark assessment/universal screener achievement test with a score at or above 95%tile; iReady, NWEA
Creativity, Reasoning & Problem-Solving Abilitiy-score at or above 90%tile, CogAT
Evaluation Ceases
Note: Once a student has completed two evaluation processes that have no significant discrepancies, the District will require two years before administering another assessment. If the third round of evaluation is commensurate with the previous 2 evaluations, then the student will no longer be evaluated for gifted services in the district.
Parents/guardians or school personnel must notify the Office of the Program for Gifted Students two years following the latest assessment administered to request testing.
Testing Timeline
Kindergarten through Eighth Grade:
Screening throughout the school year utilizing the quarterly, district benchmark assessments.
Testing throughout the academic school year
Classes for identified students will begin the following school semester after testing
Transfer Student:
Students who transfer into the district may be placed in the gifted program if all of the following conditions are met:
The student must previously have been placed in a gifted program.
The areas addressed by the two programs must be similar, i.e. both are general academic programs, or both are specific academic programs.
The student meets or exceeds the district's selection criteria as established by the board policy.
The district, student, and parents agree to such placement.