Sensory, Yoga, & Brain Breaks


Nature Pathway with Mrs. Peddie

Turn any walk into a sensory walk!

Yoga Adventure with Mrs. Peddie

Take a break and try some yoga poses!

Sensory Pathway.mp4
my many colored

Join Mrs. Mitchell on a sensory chalk walk

My Many Colored Days Yoga with Mrs. Mitchell

Moving can help us focus and calm our bodies. This is a very simple chalk walk that I used as a movement break. 

Yoga based on a Dr. Seuss  book

Chalk Walk Example

Chalk Walk Example

How can you add counting and letters into your chalk walks?!

It is all about having fun, mix and match from these examples.

Mini Motor Course

Make a mini course and customize it with arrow jumps/directions! You can also use my premade arrow jump chart to the right --> 

arrow jumps

Arrow Jumps Template

Use this template or create your own for a small motor course like the one in the video to the left <--

indoor sensory motor

Rainy Day Movement Break

Indoor motor pathway:  all you need is painters tape and a little creativity.

Animal Walks...Let's MOVE!

Are you feeling slow, tired, bored? Or do you feel like you really need to move but you don't know what to do? Push PLAY on this video! Let's move our bodies FAST for short bursts of time! This might help our brains feel calm, alert, and ready to finish up some school work!

Goodnight Moon

Goodnight Moon Yoga

Follow along or just listen to the story

Time for a movement break?

We are taking an imaginary camping'll be super fun!

Resources and Reading Materials


Signs of Sensory Overload

Some common signs that your child might be in sensory overload. 


Tips and Ideas

How to help your child when they are having a meltdown. Notice the signs that might help avoid meltdowns and hopefully set up your child for success with some of the strategies found in this handout. 

Calming Kit Ideas

Head to this website to build your own calm down kit for your child at home. It is a great break for kids when they start to get overwhelmed, anxious, or simply need a brain break.  Calm down kits are great tools to help build self-regulation skills in children as well!

What is Proprioception? 

This video is a fun tool to explain!

Fun Activities

DIY Chore/Heavy Work Bingo

Head to this website to make your own Bingo Cards. Use them as a checklist or race between yourself and your child! 

Spin and Move

Do you ever start to feel slow or tired when you're doing school work? Remember, movement is the best way to bring our brains and bodies into the Green Zone. When we are in the Green Zone, we are calm, alert, and ready for learning. The next time you need a movement break, try out this activity in the link below! 

Yoga Gameboard.pdf

Yoga Board Game

A fun spin on doing yoga poses and getting movement!